You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 70
02. WebUI Tracker Configuration
When the Tracker reboots it start a WiFiAP called LoRaTracker-AP".
Connect to it (with Phone or PC ) and use the password "1234567890" to complete the connection.
Now go into the web-browser and write and you will get into the WebUI iGate Configuration Page. This IP is also showed in the iGate Board Oled Screen.
NOTE : Use Google Chrome for editing and saving the info (some/other Web-browsers are not reliable for this)
NOTE2 : To enter again into Config WiFiAP mode, press 3 times USER button and select Config WifiAP mode, tracker will reboot and let you edit some more.
NOTE3 : WiFiAP will last 2 minutes if no client is connected and reboot into normal Tracker mode. This is to avoid staying on WiFiAP mode forever is buttons are pressed by error.
- Configuration "Button" : returns con configuration if other windows are being used.
- Backup "Button" : Download a .json file with the configuration of the board or Restore loading a .json file to iGate with pre-saved info for faster configuration reloading.
- Device "Button" : lets you reset the board.
- Save "Button" : Save all the configuration from this webpage into the board and reboot.
Do this for the 3 beacons available:
Callsign-SSID, Symbol, Overlay: Change all callsigns from “NOCALL-7” to your Callsign and SSID. You could use 3 different Callsigns+SSID or the same Callsigns with different SSIDs or even the same Callsign+SSID and only change Symbols and smartBeacon data. Once it´s operational, with the buttons you change from one profile to another, so that it controls the beacon with different parameters depending on use, speeds.
Mic-E : Add it if you want to send Mic-E gps encoded aprs packets. By default is empty "", but if you add the 3 Mic-E Message Type identification it will send in Mic-E encoding. For example, Mic-E encodings are "111" Off Duty, "110" en Route. For more information: http://www.aprs.org/doc/APRS101.PDF (page 45).
Comment : Text that will be sended each time you send a beacon. It this isn’t necessary, please leave it empty (“”) as this will shorten the LoRa packet and increase success of being listened and uses less time in RF.
SmartBeaconActive : It calculates the time between beacons as a product of speed, course, time, distance and angle of your movement. When “false” is selected “nonSmartBeaconRate” will be used as a time between beacons.
SmartBeaconSettings: It will have all needed values already set for each speed of the moving Tracker/Station:
- 0 for walking / runner.
- 1 for bicycle speed.
- 2 for faster moving stations: car , motorbikes, etc.
GPS EcoMode : experimental process that turns GPS of during a variable time (as per SmartBeacon values) to use less current on the tracker.
- Simplified Tracker Mode : was created to users who only want to send Gps packets and NOT use the Menu of the Tracker. Default is false.
- Send Comment After X Beacons : the Tracker can send comment at each beacon but with this setting you can choose to send the comment text only after a number of beacons. Default is 10. This means that only after 10 beacons the "comment" text will be added to gps beacon packet and transmitted.
- Path : WIDE1-1 is being used as the default path for sending beacons and messages.
- Fixed Beacon Rate : if “Smart Beacon” is not active on the current active Callsign this will be the time in minutes at which each beacon will be transmitted at a fixed rate. Default is 15(min).
- Standing Update Time : time in minutes that the tracker waits to send a beacon if the tracker has not move. Default is 15(min).
- Send Altitude : if true the tracker sends altitude + course in the encoded gps data, if false the tracker will send velocity + course. Remember that APRS calculates speed automatically even when sending altitude + course. Default is true.
- Disable GPS : true turns off the GPS of the board if the tracker is used with the GPS of the Phone over Bluetooth or when using a LoRa32 board which hasn’t gps module attached. Default is false.
- Show Symbol Drawing : For showing on screen the symbol instead of the letter/character of the symbol.
- EcoMode : For turning the screen off after the "timeout" time to use less current. When pressing user button screen will be turned on for a while.
- Timeout : Time the screen stays ON if "ecoMode" is set to true.
- Turn180 : For turning 180 degrees the screen on certain trackers.
- Frequency, SpreadingFactor, CodingRate should be left as they are unless your country needs to change this to use it according to their RF rules. NOTE you can change the one the tracker sees as default in the Menu>Configuration>Change Freq inside Tracker Menu. This will save the current freq and after reboot it will remember the value selected.
- Activate Wx Telemetry : true enables the Wx data (Temperature, Humidity and Pressure) to be showed on the Oled Screen. Default is false. If no Wx Module is founded at boot up of the tracker it will default info "not active".
- Send Telemetry : true enables Wx data to be transmitted to APRS-IS servers and appears as telemetry. Default is false. To Send Telemetry you need both "active":true and "sendTelemetry":true. Please be aware that this only works if Tracker is not moving for 15min. It will use a momentary different Symbol for APRS-IS servers to process the beacon packet as Wx data.
- Temperature Correction : 0 number of meter you want to change the reference of height for certain places when measuring altitude. Default is 0.
- Enable Bluetooh : this enable Bluetooth for the selection of Bluetooth Type.
- Bluetooth Type : select between all the available modes you would like to connect you phone to the tracker over BT.
- Send Battery Voltage in GPS Beacon : add to the comment of a GPS Beacon Packet the Battery Voltage (Human read info)
- Send as Encoded Telemetry : when Send Battery Voltage in GPS Beacon is active, the Battery Voltage will be encoded into telemetry for APRS-IS to process.
- Force Sending Voltage Info in every GPS Beacon : as you can select to send comments once each X gps beacon packets you can force with this to send on each GPS beacon the voltage telemetry (not recommended unless really necessary).
- Monitor Battery Voltage : if enabled it will check voltage of the battery and if it's lower than Battery Sleep Voltage it will be turned off to avoid damaging the battery.
- Battery Sleep Voltage : voltage at which the tracker gets to turn off/sleep to protect battery.
(This is by adding YL44 buzzer Module and Leds to the io_pins of the Tracker to add visual and sound notifications)
- Led Tx Active : true flashes the Tx-Led when a LoRa packet is being transmitted. Default is false.
- Led Message Active : true flashes Message-Led when a message is received. Default is false.
- Led Tx Pin : io_pin where the Tx-Led (+) pin should be connected. Default is io_13. Use 470 ohms resistor in series with the led when using difuminaste Led or 10K when using ultra bright led.
- Led Message Pin : io_pin where the Message-Led (+) pin should be connected. Default is io_ 2. Use 470 ohms resistor in series with the led when using difuminaste Led or 10K when using ultra bright led.
- Buzzer Active : true is to activate sound notifications using YL44 module. Default is false.
- Buzzer Pin Tone : io_pin where the I/O pin of the YL44 module should be connected. Default is io_33.
- Buzzer Pin Vcc : io_pin where the VCC pin of the YL44 module should be connected. Default is io_25.
- Flashlight Pin Active : true is to enable the Flashlight pin to turn on/off as a Flashlight.
- Flashlight Pin : io_pin to connect Flashlight-Led(+). Default is io_14. Use 470 ohms resistor or even lower for more light.
- Boot Up Beep : true enables buzzer notification at BootUp of the tracker. Default is false.
- Tx Beep : true enables buzzer notification at LoRa packet Transmission. Default is false.
- Message Rx Beep : true enables buzzer notification at LoRa Message received. Default is false.
- Station Rx Beep : true enables buzzer notification when another LoRa Station GPS packet is received (Tracker or iGate/Digi). Default is false.
- Low Battery Beep : true enables buzzer notification when Battery is lower than 20%. Default is false. When lower than 5% it will buzz twice.
- Shutdown Beep : true enables buzzer notification when Tracker is turned off/sleep.
(used for external power amps to boost the power in Tx).
- PTT Active : true enables the following configurations. Default is false.
- PTT "io_pin” : pin number at which the trigger is connected. Default is 4.
- Time to enable trigger before Tx (PTT pre Delay) : number of milliseconds to wait before activating “io_pin” and transmiting. Default is 0.
- Time to disable trigger after Tx (PTT post Delay) : number of milliseconds to wait after transmiting to turn off “io_pin”. Default is 0.
- PTT in Reverse Mode : some triggers need “io_pin” to start HIGH of LOW. Adjust to your needs.
- Password : enter Winlink password which usually is 6 characters long unless changed in any winlink app.
- Password : password to enter to WiFiAP created by Tracker to be configured. Default is 1234567890. NOTE: to enter again to WifiAP Configuration process press 3 fast times the USER button and select Config WiFiAP. Tracker will reboot and start all over again.