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efmnhtransactions workflows

Sharon Grant edited this page Oct 22, 2024 · 10 revisions

Media Creation & Assignment Agreement

All Outgoing Loans will have a “Media Creation & Assignment Agreement” document that should be signed and returned either by email (as a pdf) or snail mail. A PDF of that signed document should be uploaded to a Multimedia record, and attached to a Rights record. The Rights record should overwrite the blank “Media Creation & Assignment Agreement” form attachment to the Transaction record in the “Right Details” (AccRightsDetailsRef_tab) field.

[[See Post Development Workflows for future data entry steps.] Used By: All

  1. Print loan forms (including MCAA erights irn 743)
  2. Signed Loan documents are returned.
  3. Create new rights record and attach the signed MCAA pdf to it.
  • Detach the existing blank MCAA rights form from the transaction record
  • Attach the signed MCAA rights record.
  1. If the signed MCAA requires non-standard rights & attribution,
  • If after discussion with the loanee the signed MCAA has been modified then a new rights record should be created to document that and this is the record that should be attached to any resulting multimedia records.
    • Set up a Task to notify managers within 2 years to attach the new Rights record (signed MCAA) to returned Multimedia.
  • If the signed MCAA has NOT been altered ie the creator accepts CC-BY-NC then the default multimedia rights attachment (erights irn 46) is all that is needed on any resulting multimedia records.

Specimen Transaction Manual

Used By: Insects

Locations: and \Filer01\se\Collections\Anthropology\Policies and Procedures\Collection_Area_Procedures Insect Collections Standards: \filer01\SE\Collections\Zoology\Insects\Insect Collection\INS_Trans\Specimen_Transaction_Manual In Use? Yes, but will need updating

loans EMu cheatsheet

Used By: Anthro

Location (URL): \Filer01\se\Collections\Anthropology\Registration\Loans In Use?: Yes, but will need updating


**Used by: Botany **

Process: Collections Managers create groups of catalogued and barcoded specimens for Botany Loans to use in the transactions record. Action center with start to do the same.

How to fill out transaction record for incoming loans from other institutions to our researchers.

  • Assign an Invoice # to the record (because the field is mandatory)
  • Add the Other Institution’s # (if one exists) in the Other Institution # field (LoaOtherInstitutionNo)
  • Fill in the other fields where appropriate (for use by is our Researcher, Due date is the date the loan is due back at the loaning institution, etc.)
  • Record objects in the Objects (U) tab (in fact, this is what that tab was designed to record and nothing else.)
  • Use Task tab to send a reminder email to researcher who borrowed the specimens/objects of the upcoming return due.

Loans to FMNH Exhibitions


Used by: Everyone with a loan to Exhibitions

Process:When are values required? Whenever something goes on exhibition but otherwise not needed.

  • Who enters them? Exhibitions will liaise with the catalogue collection to create the actual valuation record and then attach the catalogue record to it.
  • Suggested contacts for how to determine these:
    • Zoology - Alan Resetar (may have documentation)
    • Geology - Jim Holstein
    • Anthropology - Lauren Hancock
    • Exhibitions - Mary Cochran / Chris McGarrity

Anthropology/Geology method shown here: workflow

Botany Duplicates locations

**Number of Duplicates **(ObjNumberOfDuplicates)

  • Where does Cryptogams record Duplicates?

MO - 1 NY - 1 BM - 1

  • For Lichens: Botany/Wyatt currently makes separate records for duplicates & indicate repository.
  • For other Botany areas, record # of duplicates all in 1 catalogue record, but don’t currently indicate where
    • In Transactions record/s, can attach each catalog record (representing a single duplicate), e.g.,

On the “Objects U” tab, enter data in a row for the Duplicate sent out to the other repository. (No catalogue record will actually be attached, but each row represents 1 duplicate)

On the “Objects”, the FMNH catalogue record for our own record will be attached with documentation that it is not loaned/sent out, but is a duplicate of what was sent out

In the catalogue record, the data for “how many” duplicates are “where” can be auto-built from that Transaction record

  • Action -- wants to keep seeing # of duplicates remaining at the Field Museum This can be calculated from attached transaction (total # duplicates - # rows in the transaction)
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