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Gitpod Ready-to-Code


Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Tips & Tricks

Sort json file


cat src/config/whitestorks.json | jq -s -c '.[]|sort_by(.name)' | python -m json.tool
cat src/config/whitestorks_seasons.json | jq  '.[0].turtledoves | sort_by(.name) | .[]'

Round color corners on image

new method 2022

As of 2022, the "endpoint" css class takes care of a round image; a number of additional "color-XXXXXX" classes are defined to match the color of the endpoint with the bird's line. This makes manual adaption of the pngs obsolete. This css tweak was tested to work with firefox, chrome and edge.

Create Round Corner

Color Round Border

Click alpha to selection (Do this by right clicking on the thumbnail of the layer in your layers dialog and clicking alpha to selection on your layer) with the rounded object.

Color Round Corner

Edit->Stroke Selection

In the dialogue box, leave everything selected as default, and set the line width and color.

Rectangle color borders on image

Option 1) Rectangle Outer border

  • Filter->Decor->Round Border
  • Edge Radius: half of image size.
  • Deselect Add drop-shadow

Option 2) Rectangle Inner border

  • Select->All
  • Choose color
  • Edit->Stroke Selection

In the dialogue box, leave everything selected as default, and set the line width and color.

Convert csv to geojson

ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" output.geojson input.csv -oo X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=lon -oo Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=lat -oo KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO

FTP connection

ncftp -u $FTP_USER -p $FTP_PASSWORD ftp://$FTP_SERVER/turteltauben

Crontab for movebank export

5 0 */2 * * cd /home/intevation/ && python3_venv/bin/python WhiteStorks/ WhiteStorks/whitestorks-2020_2021.env > /tmp/cron_whitestorks-2020_2021.log 2>&1
5 0 */2 * * cd /home/intevation/ && python3_venv/bin/python WhiteStorks-Hamburg/ WhiteStorks-Hamburg/whitestorks-hamburg2020_2021.env > /tmp/cron_whitestorks-hamburg2020_2021.log 2>&1
5 1 */2 * * cd /home/intevation/ && python3_venv/bin/python turteltauben/ turteltauben/turteltauben2020_2021.env > /tmp/cron_turteltauben2020_2021.log 2>&1

Use magick to resize an image and draw a colored circle on top of it

magick RAW-IN.jpg -sample '45x45!' -fill transparent -stroke '#COLORX' -strokewidth 4 -draw 'circle 22,22 22,0' OUT.jpg


No packages published


  • Vue 66.9%
  • Python 23.6%
  • JavaScript 6.0%
  • HTML 1.7%
  • Dockerfile 1.4%
  • Shell 0.4%