- Zugvögel
yarn install
yarn run serve
yarn run build
yarn run test
yarn run lint
Test: https://jqplay.org/
cat src/config/whitestorks.json | jq -s -c '.[]|sort_by(.name)' | python -m json.tool
cat src/config/whitestorks_seasons.json | jq '.[0].turtledoves | sort_by(.name) | .[]'
Color Round Border
Click alpha to selection (Do this by right clicking on the thumbnail of the layer in your layers dialog and clicking alpha to selection on your layer) with the rounded object.
Edit->Stroke Selection
In the dialogue box, leave everything selected as default, and set the line width and color.
Option 1) Rectangle Outer border
- Filter->Decor->Round Border
- Edge Radius: half of image size.
- Deselect Add drop-shadow
Option 2) Rectangle Inner border
- Select->All
- Choose color
- Edit->Stroke Selection
In the dialogue box, leave everything selected as default, and set the line width and color.
ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" output.geojson input.csv -oo X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=lon -oo Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=lat -oo KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO
ncftp -u $FTP_USER -p $FTP_PASSWORD ftp://$FTP_SERVER/turteltauben
5 0 */2 * * cd /home/intevation/ && python3_venv/bin/python WhiteStorks/ftp.py WhiteStorks/whitestorks-2020_2021.env > /tmp/cron_whitestorks-2020_2021.log 2>&1
5 0 */2 * * cd /home/intevation/ && python3_venv/bin/python WhiteStorks-Hamburg/ftp.py WhiteStorks-Hamburg/whitestorks-hamburg2020_2021.env > /tmp/cron_whitestorks-hamburg2020_2021.log 2>&1
5 1 */2 * * cd /home/intevation/ && python3_venv/bin/python turteltauben/ftp.py turteltauben/turteltauben2020_2021.env > /tmp/cron_turteltauben2020_2021.log 2>&1