HNG8 Team Grange
The Zuri expenses plugin hosted here is a plugin that allows users to create and publish expense list which can be viewed by everyone in the organisation
- This is the link to the Design file
- our repo the zc_plugin_expenses repo
- the live server
- Please take note that all plugins should follow the route /api/v1/
- After writing an api document it properly and make it available on /docs/v1
- For each of the api created, create a test that will call it and validate that it is working. The test has to be online and hosted via /test/. Each test is a different task.
- make a fork of the zc_plugin_expenses repo
- clone the forked repo to your system
- add a remote url pointing at the zc_plugin_expenses repo for fetches
- To get a task to work on, search for any unassigned issue on your preferred track(i.e design, frontend or backend) on the issues tab
- take note of the issue number and indicate interest to work on the issue on Team grange slack channel
- if approved the issue will be assigned to you
- try to finish the issue as fast as possible to avoid reassignment
- when done submit task
- after working on a task before committing, fetch from the zc_plugin_expenses repo to make sure your work is synced with others
- after commiting make a pull request
- in the title field write the team name i.e Team Grange, a very very brief descripton of the work done and also the number of the issues you worked on
- make the pull request to the zc_plugin_expenses repo
- locate the issue you worked on and on the descrition field write the team name i.e Team Grange, a very very brief descripton of the work done
- also on the description field add a link to your work on the live server for developers and a link to your design file for designers
- add a link to your pull request
- and finally include a snapshot of your work on the live server or design file
- submit the link to your issue on the slack #issue-review page tagging one of our mentors i.e(@Loy, @caculuz or @twanitoria) and the one team reviewer @Ammeromi or I @kelanialiyu
- create new files only when necessary
- try to make all work look excactly like the designs
- before writing any code on any file write a comment including your slack username and task issue number with start
- then your code
- and a comment including your slack username and task issue number withend keywords eg
//@kelanialiyu issue #123
function fancyAlert(arg) {
console.log("Team Grange");
//@kelanialiyu issue #123