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This repo contains the code for:

  • the zen-lsp-server
  • the VSCode extension which bundles the server and client.



To install the zen-lsp server on Unix-like systems, you can run the install script from this repository:

$ curl -sLO
$ chmod +x install
$ ./install

This will download the zen-lsp uberjar and place it in ~/.zen-lsp. It will also create a zen-lsp script inside /usr/local/bin.


First run the manual installation of the zen-lsp uberjar. Ensure that the lsp-mode package is installed. Then place this in your init.el:

(require 'lsp-mode)
 (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "zen-lsp")
                  :major-modes '(clojure-mode)
                  :add-on? t
                  :activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "clojure")
                  :server-id 'zen-lang))


Download the .vsix file from releases and install it in VSCode:

Extensions > Install from VSIX...


To run build tasks in this project, use babashka. You will also need lein (although we could port this project to the new clojure CLI).

Run bb tasks to get a full overview of how to build this project.


To test the server, run:

bb server:test

To build the server uberjar, run:

bb server:build

VSCode extension

Local development

Enter the extension directory:

 cd vscode-extension

To intall the dependencies, run:

 npm install

Open VSCode:

code .

Then hit F5 (Start Debugging) to run the extension. Edit a zen-lang file (e.g. test-resources/test-project/zrc/foo.edn) and you will get diagnostic feedback.

VSIX package

To build the vscode extension, e.g. to distribute to colleagues for testing, run:

bb vscode-package

This will create a .vsix file in the vscode-extension directory which you can install in VSCode.

start with cider nrepl

Extension will be started with vscode-extension/debug-srv script This script start LSP server + nrepl with cider mw Then you can connect to nrepl (see .nrepl-port) from emacs

Connect to zen-lsp repl


  1. Install VSCode
  2. Clone zen-lsp repo: git clone

We will open extension.ts in first instance of VSCode, VSCode1:

  1. In VSCode1 open the dir /home/ier/src/hs/zen-lsp/vscode-extension
  2. In VSCode1 open the file /home/ier/src/hs/zen-lsp/vscode-extension/src/extension.ts
  3. Run in VSCode1 Terminal the command: npm install
  4. In VSCode1 start debugging process using menu: Run -> Start Debugging

The second VSCode instance will be opened after that automatically. Next steps we will perform in VSCode2:

  1. In VSCode2 open project /home/ier/src/hs/sansara/box/zrc/
  2. Open any .edn file from current project, e.g. /home/ier/src/hs/sansara/box/zrc/box/cluster.edn
  3. Open VSCode Terminal and switch to Output tab.
  4. Select zen-lsp output in Output tab.
  5. You will get following log output there:
[Info  - 2:59:34 PM] nrepl started at 38047
[Info  - 2:59:34 PM] Initializing paths in /home/ier/src/hs/sansara/box/zrc
[Info  - 2:59:34 PM] zen-lsp language server loaded.
opened file, linting: file:///home/ier/src/hs/sansara/box/zrc/box/cluster.edn

We will eval our form in Doom Emacs:

  1. In Emacs open /home/ier/src/hs/zen-lsp/server/dev/vs_debug.clj

  2. Connect to repl with SPC m c, choose localhost, and your server:port

  3. Eval whole buffer with SPC m e b,

  4. Go to ln:15 and put your cursor after (lsp/info "Hi from cider") form. Eval this form with SPC m e e

  5. Open VSCode2 and check out the VSCode Output window

[Info  - 3:02:10 PM] Hi from cider

If you see the same output you have made it!
