To create a static library and link it with the main source code, do the following steps: a. Manual Method:
Compile modules: g++ -std=c++17 -c tools.cpp This will produce the object file tools.o
Organize modules into libraries: ar rcs libmytools.a tools.o <other_modules> The archiver takes the module tools.o and creates a static library named libtools.a It is important to start the library name with 'lib'
Compile main application: g++ -std=c++17 -c main.cpp This will produce main.o
Link main application with the libraries: g++ -std=c++17 main.o -L . -lmytools -o main -L = To indicate the path of the library to the linker -lmytools = To tell the linker to link against the libmytools.a library
b. Automated Method:
add_library(tools tools.cpp) This statement creates the object file of tools.cpp and also generates the static library using tools.o. This means that steps 1 and 2 have combined in this.
add_executable(main main.cpp) Similar to step 3 of manual method.
target_link_libraries(main tools) Similar to step 4 of manual method.
To use this method create 'build' folder in the project directory, cd to the driectory and run 'cmake ../' and then 'make'.