This repository contains the scripts necessary to reproduce the analysis and figures generated in the KMT2D manuscript. The scripts should be run in numerical order, as there may be dependencies.
The manuscript is currently available as a preprint on bioRxiv. Please cite: Mapping in silico genetic networks of the KMT2D tumour suppressor gene to uncover novel functional associations and cancer cell vulnerabilities Yuka Takemon, Erin D. Pleasance, Alessia Gagliardi, Christopher S. Hughes, Veronika Csizmok, Kathleen Wee, Diane L. Trinh, Ryan D. Huff, Andrew J. Mungall, Richard A. Moore, Eric Chuah, Karen L. Mungall, Eleanor Lewis, Jessica Nelson, Howard J. Lim, Daniel J. Renouf, Steven JM. Jones, Janessa Laskin, Marco A. Marra bioRxiv 2024.01.17.575929; doi: