🚀 This is an inplementation of 2020-Fall-DBMS-Project
This branch is simply using rw-mutex
- 相较于课程ddl提交时的主要改动:
- 修复了pmem_persist(FILE_SIZE)导致的超长延时
- 增加了remove()导致的shrink()
- 拉取代码: git clone -b rw_mutex https://github.com/liwm29/pmLinearHash.git
To inplement index in a DBMS, we have two main methods:
- b/b+ tree
- hash
To implement hash alg., we have different kinds of schemes. depending on whether the number of buckets is fixed at runtime
- Static Hashing Schemes
- Linear Probe Hashing
- Robin Hood Hashing
- Cuckoo Hashing
- Dynamic Hashing Schemes
- Chained Hashing
- Extensible Hashing
- Linear Hashing
Here we will implement Linear Hashing
note: The code in the project is mixed with C and C++
The Repo was built&run&tested under the following platform
- Linux 4.19.104-microsoft-standard x86_64 GNU/Linux
cd build
cmake ..
- 直接在桶上
- 直接在桶上
- 通过
- 通过
- 直接返回被查元素的引用(指针)
- 直接返回被查元素的引用(指针),然后修改
int PMLHash::insert(const uint64_t& key, const uint64_t& value) { std::unique_lock wr_lock(rwMutx); if (searchEntry(key) != nullptr) { pmError.set(DupKeyErr); return -1; } try { if (append Of(getNmTableFromIdx(getRealHashIdx(key)), entry::makeEntry(key, value))) { split(); } } catch (Error& e) { pmError.perror("insert"); return -1; } pmem_persist(start_addr, FILE_SIZE); return 0; }
int PMLHash::remove(const uint64_t& key) { std::unique_lock wr_lock(rwMutx); // you should find its previous table pm_table* pre = nullptr; pm_table* t = searchPage(key, &pre); if (t == nullptr) { pmError.set(NotFoundErr); return -1; } entry& lastKV = t->index(t->fill_num - 1); t->insert(lastKV.key, lastKV.value, t->pos(key)); while (t->next_offset != NEXT_IS_NONE) { pre = t; t = getOfTableFromIdx(t->next_offset); entry& lastKV = t->index(t->fill_num - 1); assert(pre->fill_num == TABLE_SIZE); pre->insert(lastKV.key, lastKV.value, TABLE_SIZE - 1); } if (--(t->fill_num) == 0 && pre != nullptr) { freeOverflowTable(t); pre->next_offset = NEXT_IS_NONE; } pmem_persist(start_addr, FILE_SIZE); return 0; }
int PMLHash::search(const uint64_t& key, uint64_t& value) { std::shared_lock rd_lock(rwMutx); entry* e = searchEntry(key); if (e == nullptr) { return -1; } value = e->value; return 0; }
int PMLHash::update(const uint64_t& key, const uint64_t& value) { std::unique_lock wr_lock(rwMutx); entry* e = searchEntry(key); if (e == nullptr) { return -1; } e->value = value; pmem_persist(e, sizeof(entry)); return 0; }
Use example
PMLHash* f = new PMLHash("./pmemFile"); uint64_t key = 1, value_in = 1; // insert assert(f->insert(key, value_in) != -1); assert(f->insert(key, value_in) == -1); // search uint64_t value_out = 0; assert(f->search(key, value_out) != -1); assert(value_out == value_in); // update assert(f->update(key, value_new) == -1); assert(f->search(key, value_out) != -1); assert(value_out == value_new); // remove assert(f->remove(key) == -1); assert(f->search(key, value_out) == -1); // clear assert(f->clear() != -1); assert(f->search(key,value_out) == -1);
AssertTest Result
src code=========Assert Test========== TEST 300000 KVs Check Empty Env... Check Insert&Search... Check Update&Search... Check Remove&Search... Check Clear&Search... =========Assert OK============
Simple mock with 16kv and table_size=1
pmFile Exists:Recover mapped_len:16777216 , 16.000000 mb, ptr:0x7ff94e000000 =========PMLHash Config======= - start_addr:0x7ff94e000000 - overflow_addr:0x7ff94e800000 - meta_addr:0x7ff94e000000 - size:4 level:0 next:0 overflow_num:0 - table_addr:0x7ff94e001020 ===========Table View========= - Table:0 empty - Table:1 empty - Table:2 empty - Table:3 empty ===========Table OK=========== - bitmap_addr:0x7ff94e000020 =========Init Config======= TABLE_SIZE:1 HASH_SIZE:16 FILE_SIZE:16777216 BITMAP_SIZE:32768 OVERFLOW_TAB_SIZE:32768 NORMAL_TAB_SIZE:262015 N_0:4 [Support at least 262015 KVs <not include overflowTable>] ===========Config OK========== -----------Clear All---------- |Insert| key:1,val:1 |Insert| key:2,val:2 |Insert| key:3,val:3 |Insert| key:4,val:4 |Insert| key:5,val:5 |Insert| key:6,val:6 |Insert| key:7,val:7 |Insert| key:8,val:8 |Insert| key:9,val:9 |Insert| key:10,val:10 |Insert| key:11,val:11 |Insert| key:12,val:12 |Insert| key:13,val:13 |Insert| key:14,val:14 |Insert| key:15,val:15 |Insert| key:16,val:16 |Insert| key:200,val:200 |Insert| key:200,val:200 InsertErr ===========Table View========= Table:0 16,16| Table:1 1,1| Table:2 2,2| Table:3 3,3| Table:4 4,4| Table:5 5,5| Table:6 6,6| Table:7 7,7| -o- 15,15| Table:8 8,8| -o- 200,200| Table:9 9,9| Table:10 10,10| Table:11 11,11| Table:12 12,12| Table:13 13,13| Table:14 14,14| ===========Table OK=========== |Search| key:1 result value:1 |Search| key:2 result value:2 |Search| key:3 result value:3 |Search| key:4 result value:4 |Search| key:5 result value:5 |Search| key:6 result value:6 |Search| key:7 result value:7 |Search| key:8 result value:8 |Search| key:9 result value:9 |Search| key:10 result value:10 |Search| key:11 result value:11 |Search| key:12 result value:12 |Search| key:13 result value:13 |Search| key:14 result value:14 |Search| key:15 result value:15 |Search| key:16 result value:16 |Update| key:1 update to 2 |Update| key:2 update to 3 |Update| key:3 update to 4 |Update| key:4 update to 5 |Update| key:5 update to 6 |Update| key:6 update to 7 |Update| key:7 update to 8 |Update| key:8 update to 9 |Update| key:9 update to 10 |Update| key:10 update to 11 |Update| key:11 update to 12 |Update| key:12 update to 13 |Update| key:13 update to 14 |Update| key:14 update to 15 |Update| key:15 update to 16 |Update| key:16 update to 17 ===========Table View========= Table:0 16,17| Table:1 1,2| Table:2 2,3| Table:3 3,4| Table:4 4,5| Table:5 5,6| Table:6 6,7| Table:7 7,8| -o- 15,16| Table:8 8,9| -o- 200,200| Table:9 9,10| Table:10 10,11| Table:11 11,12| Table:12 12,13| Table:13 13,14| Table:14 14,15| ===========Table OK=========== |Remove| key:1 remove ok |Remove| key:2 remove ok |Remove| key:3 remove ok |Remove| key:4 remove ok |Remove| key:5 remove ok |Remove| key:6 remove ok |Remove| key:7 remove ok |Remove| key:8 remove ok |Remove| key:9 remove ok |Remove| key:10 remove ok |Remove| key:11 remove ok |Remove| key:12 remove ok |Remove| key:13 remove ok |Remove| key:14 remove ok |Remove| key:15 remove ok |Remove| key:16 remove ok ===========Table View========= Table:0 empty Table:1 empty Table:2 empty Table:3 empty Table:4 empty Table:5 empty Table:6 empty Table:7 empty Table:8 200,200| Table:9 empty Table:10 empty Table:11 empty Table:12 empty Table:13 empty Table:14 empty ===========Table OK===========
位示图进行分配回收 -
std::bitset<BITMAP_SIZE> bitmap
pm_table* PMLHash::newOverflowTable() { uint64_t offset = bitmap->findFirstAvailable(); if (offset == BITMAP_SIZE) { // after throw this msg, the db may still can insert other kv, but we still // view it as full // we just throw error,instead of returning nullptr pmError.set(OfMemoryLimitErr); throw Error("newOverflowTable: memory size limit"); } bitmap->set(offset); pm_table* table = (pm_table*)((pm_table*)overflow_addr + offset); table->init(); meta->overflow_num++; return table; } // if this table have previousTable, you should set previousTable.next_offset int PMLHash::freeOverflowTable(uint64_t idx) { bitmap->reset(idx); meta->overflow_num--; pmem_persist(&(meta->overflow_num), sizeof(uint64_t)); return 0; }
- 简单使用粗粒度的锁(每个基础操作[insert/search/update/remove]加锁)
std::shared_mutex rwMutx(C++17)
位于普通内存(stack or heap)中,运行时易失变量,非持久- 细粒度的锁, 甚至 lock-free
- 经过多次尝试,目前看来我是难以在目前这份代码架构上做出真正的并发控制的,一方面是没学过,一方面是水平有限,只能将并行用锁改串行.
- 读写锁 raii-style
std::unique_lock wr_lock(rwMutx); std::shared_lock rd_lock(rwMutx);
- 切换到scheduler分支查看,采用类似C/S架构,中间通过一个无锁队列通信,客户端的并行在服务端被串化
auto t_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (auto & key : keyBuf) { if (key.first == INSERT) { f->insert(key.second, key.second); } else { uint64_t value; assert(f->search(key.second, value) != -1); assert(value == key.second); } } auto t_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto dur = std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(t_end - t_start).count(); printf("run %s\tWTime: %fms \tOPS: %fM\tDelay: %fns\n", filePath.c_str(), dur, cnt / (dur * 1000), dur * 1000 / cnt);
=========YCSB Benchmark=======
注:时间基本为纯Insert/Search时间,不包括读文件(读磁盘) n_thread=1
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-0-100-load.txt WTime: 107.249 ms OPS: 0.932422M Delay: 1.07248 ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-0-100-load.txt WTime: 26.7503 ms OPS: 3.73831M Delay: 0.2675 ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-25-75-load.txt WTime: 105.719 ms OPS: 0.945909M Delay: 1.05718 ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-25-75-load.txt WTime: 26.7517 ms OPS: 3.73812M Delay: 0.267514 ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-50-50-load.txt WTime: 108.684 ms OPS: 0.92011M Delay: 1.08683 ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-50-50-load.txt WTime: 26.8354 ms OPS: 3.72646M Delay: 0.268351 ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-75-25-load.txt WTime: 104.998 ms OPS: 0.95241M Delay: 1.04997 ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-75-25-load.txt WTime: 26.9531 ms OPS: 3.71019M Delay: 0.269528 ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-100-0-load.txt WTime: 107.042 ms OPS: 0.93422M Delay: 1.07041 ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-100-0-load.txt WTime: 27.2577 ms OPS: 3.66872M Delay: 0.272574 ns
==========Benchmark OK=========
=========YCSB Benchmark=======
注:时间基本为纯Insert/Search时间,不包括读文件(读磁盘) n_thread=4
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-0-100-load.txt WTime: 102.260500ms OPS: 0.977904M Delay: 1.022595ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-0-100-load.txt WTime: 83.131300ms OPS: 1.202928M Delay: 0.831305ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-25-75-load.txt WTime: 101.272800ms OPS: 0.987442M Delay: 1.012718ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-25-75-load.txt WTime: 92.044800ms OPS: 1.086438M Delay: 0.920439ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-50-50-load.txt WTime: 101.576400ms OPS: 0.984490M Delay: 1.015754ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-50-50-load.txt WTime: 90.916800ms OPS: 1.099918M Delay: 0.909159ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-75-25-load.txt WTime: 101.140500ms OPS: 0.988733M Delay: 1.011395ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-75-25-load.txt WTime: 81.201500ms OPS: 1.231517M Delay: 0.812007ns
load .././benchmark/10w-rw-100-0-load.txt WTime: 101.009300ms OPS: 0.990018M Delay: 1.010083ns
run .././benchmark/10w-rw-100-0-load.txt WTime: 83.637800ms OPS: 1.195644M Delay: 0.836370ns
==========Benchmark OK=========
以 inner_search
为例,无论是 insert
, remove
, 还是 search
, update
,都依赖于内部的一个 inner_search
函数,但是他们又有不同的需求,比如 remove
要求不仅要找到元素,还要找到元素所在的页,以及前面的一页. 而其他功能则没有这样的需求.
在我的设计中, 使用了
作为baseFunction,它拥有最多的参数:pm_table* searchEnteyWithPage(const uint64_t& key, uint64_t* pos = nullptr, pm_table** previousTable = nullptr);
entry* pmLinHash::searchEntry(const uint64_t& key)
/** * @brief this will just be used in `remove()` * @param key * @param pos the position of the key in the table * @param previousTable the previous table of the return table * @return the table of the key */ pm_table* pmLinHash::searchEnteyWithPage(const uint64_t& key, uint64_t* pos, pm_table** previousTable) { uint64_t idx = getRealHashIdx(key); pm_table* t = getNmTableFromIdx(idx); pm_table* pre = nullptr; while (1) { int pos_ = t->pos(key); if (pos_ >= 0) { if (pos != nullptr) { *pos = uint64_t(pos_); } if (previousTable != nullptr) { *previousTable = pre; } return t; } if (t->next_offset == NEXT_IS_NONE) { break; } pre = t; t = getOfTableFromIdx(t->next_offset); } return nullptr; }
/** * @brief searchEntry with key * @param key * @return return nullptr if not found */ entry* pmLinHash::searchEntry(const uint64_t& key) { uint64_t pos; pm_table* t = searchEnteyWithPage(key, &pos); if (t == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return t->index(pos); }
- 多线程由于有锁的竞态,导致其实效率很低下,这说明我的设计不太好(只是随意的添加了锁将并行操作改串行).
- 此外并发线程数的选择上,也不能太多,毕竟硬件线程有限.
- 另一方面,这个性能测试的结果随时间差异很大,这可能与cpu的状态有关
- 但无论如何,测试发现,单线程都要优于简单粗粒度加锁的多线程,这可能是因为数据集过少,导致的write操作过快的原因;
- 比较奇怪的是,多线程读写锁在100%读的情况下,也劣于单线程读,也许这就是网络库中要io复用而不是新开线程的原因
- 并发,时分复用,有效降低多用户系统的响应时间
- 并行,真正提高引擎读写性能
- 可重复读
- 不能读未提交数据
- 不能写未提交数据
- 细粒度的锁(如果以桶为单位加锁)也许面临的问题
- Insert
- 其他线程插入导致的分裂,本线程刚好要插入被分裂的桶,进而插入了旧的桶,导致后续的search找不到元素
- 这要求在插入前再次计算要插入的桶,并重新上锁
- 分裂会导致对其他桶的访问,要上锁
- 多个线程插入导致同时分裂导致的对其他桶的上锁
- 多个线程插入导致同时分裂对meta->next,meta->level的原子修改等
- 其他线程插入导致的分裂,本线程刚好要插入被分裂的桶,进而插入了旧的桶,导致后续的search找不到元素
- Search
- 简单只读
- Update
- 可以认为update是读而不是写,不用加写锁,只需在修改时使用
修改- 注意处理读到后被删除的情况,这要求我们检查key并修改value
- 遗憾的是,似乎没有这样的api,典型的
- 遗憾的是,似乎没有这样的api,典型的
- 一般的解决方法是延时删除,简单将对应删除位置1,保证临近的update仍然访问到这个键值.后续在定时gc中锁全表,真正删除键值
- 注意处理读到后被删除的情况,这要求我们检查key并修改value
- 可以认为update是读而不是写,不用加写锁,只需在修改时使用
- Remove
- 也许可以延时删除
- Insert
- 首先查看系统虚拟地址空间,找出usable的区间,并计算大小
- 设置
GNU Bootloader
sudo vim /etc/default/grub
- 更新
sudo update-grub
- 成功配置普通内存为pmem
sudo fdisk -l
sudo apt install libpmem-dev
#include <libpmem.h>