termioslib is a simple cgo based wrapper around termios.h
termioslib is a simple no-nonsense wrapper for UNIX termios.h. It exposes all the defines and functions in termios.h including some extensions not defined by POSIX. You might need to remove or rename the additional defines/functions for your specific system. This was developed on Mac OS X. I welcome feedback on whether or not modifications need to be made to run on other Unix/Linux.
- Make sure you have the a working Go environment. See the install instructions. termios targets the 'release' tag. To get the release tag, simply run
hg update -r release
. - Make sure that $GOROOT is set. termios installs itself as a Go package, so it requires $GOROOT. See Go's install instructions for more information about $GOROOT.
- git clone git://github.com/wdreeveii/termioslib.git
- cd termioslib && make install
package main
import (
func main () {
var (
err error
orig_termios termioslib.Termios
work_termios termioslib.Termios
ser *os.File
defer func () {
if err != nil { fmt.Println (err) }
} ()
// open the serial port, other options of interest may be os.NDELAY and os.NOCTTY
ser, err = os.Open("/dev/cu.usbserial-FTCW1RJN", os.O_RDWR , 777)
if err != nil { return }
defer func () {
// flush all buffers
if err = termioslib.Flush(ser.Fd(), termioslib.TCIOFLUSH); err != nil { return }
// save a copy of the original terminal configuration
if err = termioslib.Getattr(ser.Fd(), &orig_termios); err != nil { return }
// get a working copy
if err = termioslib.Getattr(ser.Fd(), &work_termios); err != nil { return }
work_termios.C_iflag &= ^(termioslib.IGNBRK | termioslib.BRKINT | termioslib.IGNPAR | termioslib.PARMRK | termioslib.INPCK | termioslib.ISTRIP | termioslib.INLCR | termioslib.IGNCR | termioslib.ICRNL | termioslib.IXON | termioslib.IXOFF | termioslib.IXANY | termioslib.IMAXBEL | termioslib.IUTF8)
work_termios.C_oflag &= ^(termioslib.OPOST | termioslib.ONLCR )
work_termios.C_lflag &= ^(termioslib.ISIG | termioslib.ICANON | termioslib.IEXTEN | termioslib.ECHO | termioslib.ECHOE | termioslib.ECHOK | termioslib.ECHONL | termioslib.NOFLSH | termioslib.TOSTOP | termioslib.ECHOPRT | termioslib.ECHOCTL | termioslib.ECHOKE)
work_termios.C_cflag &= ^(termioslib.CSIZE | termioslib.PARENB | termioslib.PARODD | termioslib.HUPCL | termioslib.CSTOPB | termioslib.CRTSCTS)
work_termios.C_cflag |= (termioslib.CS8 | termioslib.CREAD | termioslib.CLOCAL)
work_termios.C_cc[termioslib.VMIN] = 1
work_termios.C_cc[termioslib.VTIME] = 0
termioslib.Setspeed(&work_termios, termioslib.B57600)
// set the working copy
if err = termioslib.Setattr(ser.Fd(), termioslib.TCSANOW , &work_termios); err != nil { return }
// set the settings back to the original when the program exits
defer func () {
err = termioslib.Setattr(ser.Fd(), termioslib.TCSANOW, &orig_termios)
} ()
// basic file read block
buffer := make([]byte, 80)
n, err := ser.Read(buffer)
for err == nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", string(buffer[0:n]))
n, err = ser.Read(buffer)
At one time or another, this code has worked on both Linux and Mac OS X. It was updated in April 2013 to go 1.0
termioslib was written by Whitham D. Reeve II