Ansible testing for patch management
Conduct testing for patch management and vulnerability remediation using Ansible and OpenAI.
- Install Ansible
- Setup OpenSSH Server and SSH Keys
- Setup Ansible Semaphore using Docker
- Setup Git Repository
- Create Ansible Inventory (inventory will not be stored in Git)
- Setup Ansible Configuration and Playbooks
- Run Ansible Patch Testing for Host
- Run Ansible Patch Testing for Docker Containers
- Run Ansible to Create a Postgres Database using Docker
- Run Ansible to setup NMAP, OpenVAS and Streamlit
- Describe any prerequisites.
- Ansible & Ansible Semphore installed
- OpenSSH Server and OpenSSH Client
- Docker & Docker Compose
- pip install python-docx langchain streamlit openai
- Python
- Any modifications needed to be made to files/folders
- How to run the program
- Step-by-step bullets