Our submission is a tool that implements the algorithm given in the paper Abstracting Failure Inducing Inputs.
We provide a file artifact.tar.gz
which contains the code to reproduce our
results. The artifact.tar.gz
contains src/DDSet.ipynb which contains the
complete algorithm explained and worked out in one simple and one complex
example in a Jupyter notebook. It can be viewed through
either the virtual box as explained below, or can be directly viewed using any
of the Jupyter notebook viewers including VSCode, or github (from this link).
Our evaluation partially (2 subjects out of 6) depends on the
DBGBench docker images. Since
these are previously published artifacts, we have not included the docker images
in our submission. The docker images are fetched automatically when the target
make dbgbench-init
is called (see below).
All experiments done on a base system with 15 GB RAM.
IMPORTANT All executables are compiled and linked in the following vagrant
box, with 8 GB RAM allocated. While it can be done on the base system itself,
it is recommended that the user simply use the vagrant box directly. See the
for configuration.
$ vagrant up --provision
To connect
$ vagrant ssh
The vagrant box had the following operating system.
$ uname -rvmpio
4.15.0-70-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 10:36:11 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ lsb_release -d
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
The algorithm implementation was evaluated using Python version 3.6.8
$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.8
The interpreters except Lua require Java
$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.7+10-post-Ubuntu-2ubuntu218.04, mixed mode, sharing)
We also need docker for running debgubench
for find
and grep
results. The
docker version we checked is 19.03.8
$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c
The docker image installations require sudo
. Please grant necessary
permissions to your user if not using the virtual machine.
To view the Jupyter notebook, connect to the vagrant image
$ vagrant ssh
and inside the virtual machine, execute this command
vm$ ./startjupyter.sh
Copy and paste the last line in your host browser. The port 8888
is forwarded
to the host. Click the src link, and within
that folder, click the DDSet.ipynb
link. This will let you see the complete example already executed. You can
restart execution by clicking on Kernel>Restart&Run All or simply clear output
and run one box at a time.
First login to the virtual machine
$ vagrant ssh
Next, change directory to ddset
vm$ cd ddset
vm$ pwd
Note: Docker is not required, (and hence initializing docker is not
required) for the language experiments -- lua
, rhino
, clojure
and closure
The following command pulls the docker images, and starts all containers.
$ make dbgbench-init
Expect the following output:
sudo ./run.sh find c8491c11
Installing image.. This will be done only once and may take up to one hour.
Sending build context to Docker daemon 39.94kB
Step 1/9 : FROM debug/find
latest: Pulling from debug/find
WARNING: depending on your internet speed, this can take a long time. Note
that the docker images are not necessary except for grep
and find
If correctly installed, the following commands should print all the grep (3) and find (4) containers.
$ make ls-grep
ddset/grep cb153a96dd6a 54d55bba
ddset/grep 1c23c48c8f67 9c45c193
ddset/grep 7511e45fcd38 3c3bdace
$ make ls-find
ddset/find e2f18810b55f 07b941b1
ddset/find db2031fe1f84 93623752
ddset/find 18b27d418cbf dbcb10e9
ddset/find 8032e568a934 c8491c11
If necessary (after all the experiments are finished), the docker images can be removed after use with the following command:
$ make dbgbench-clobber
Note also that you can start individual docker instances separately using
or initgrep-<bugid>
and remove them using rmfind-<bugid>
or rmgrep-<bugid>
An example is 54d55bba
for grep
The experiments can be started with the following command:
$ make all
The above command executes all experiments. If needed, individual experiments can be done with:
$ make all_closure
$ make all_clojure
$ make all_lua
$ make all_rhino
$ make all_find
$ make all_grep
If all experiments have finished, the Table 1 can be created with the following command:
$ python3 src/table1.py
Chars in MinString Visible Invisible Context Sensitive Remaining Executions
bugid …
Note that the ordering may not correspond directly to the paper. Please verify using the particular bug id (first column).
We use lua
as an example.
The command make all_lua
will generate results/4.lua.json
The result file can be inspected by the following command, which will dump out the JSON representation of the abstract tree.
$ python3 src/show_tree.py results/4.lua.json -json
You can also see the string representation, along with an ASCII Tree representation using the following command. The abstract nodes are colored green, and context sensitive abstract nodes are colored red.
$ python3 src/show_tree.py results/4.lua.json -tree | less -r
If your terminal does not support colors, the tree can be drawn using simple ASCII too.
$ python3 src/show_tree.py results/4.lua.json
The table1.py
command can be used to inspect a single file as below:
$ python3 src/table1.py results/4.lua.json
Chars in MinString Visible Invisible Context Sensitive Remaining Executions
4.lua 83 12 54 5 28 19377
For each bug, the execution details are captured under the directory fuzzing
The Table 2 can be created with the following command:
$ python3 src/table2.py
Valid% FAIL%
bugid …
As in Table 1, the ordering may differ from the paper. Please use the first column to identify the bug id.
Similar to table1.py
, this command also accepts a single file.
$ python3 src/table2.py fuzzing/4.lua.log.json
Valid% FAIL%
4.lua 100.00 98.04
The Jupyter notebook provided has one to one correspondence with the procedure names in the paper. Each method is thoroughly documented, and executions of methods can be performed to verify their behavior.
The main question being asked is, whether we can abstract any nonterminals.
The Visible
column specifies the number of visible nonterminals found,
and the Context Sensitive
specifies how many context sensitive covarying
nonterminals could be found. The Remaining
column specifies the number
of characters left over after abstraction.
To add a new subject (with some bugs to abstract), one needs the following
The grammar that can parse the subject in the canonical form defined by the Parser in fuzzingbook. If you have an ANTLR grammar, it can be converted to the fuzzingbook format using this project.
The bugs you have collected
The interpreter/compiler/command that accepts some input file.
Do the following:
- make a directory for your interpreter under
, saymycmd
- Under
, create three directories:lang/mycmd/bugs
- Under
, place the JSON grammar that you have, and call it saylang/mycmd/grammar/mycmd.fbjson
- Under bugs, one file per bug, place each bugs. Say
- Under
place your compiler/command executable. Saylang/mycmd/compilers/cmd
- Under
directory, one file per bug, add test cases with the following format
import Infra as I
from Abstract import PRes
def my_predicate(src):
# this following line defines how the interpreter is invoked. The first
# string is the label, and second string is the command used to execute.
# src will have the source
o = I.do('mycmd', './lang/mycmd/compilers/cmd', src)
# Now, define the behavior you want. PRes.success means the failure was
# reproduced, while PRes.invalid means the input was semantically invalid
# and we will ignore this input. PRes.failure is a semantically valid input
# that could not reproduce the failure.
if o.returncode == 0: return PRes.failed
if o.returncode == -11: return PRes.success
out = o.stdout
if 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' in out:
return PRes.success
elif 'stack traceback' in out:
return PRes.invalid
elif 'TIMEOUT' in out:
return PRes.timeout
return PRes.failed
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Here we define the paths
I.main('./lang/mycmd/grammar/mycmd.fbjson', './lang/mycmd/bugs/cmd_1.cmd', my_predicate)
Once this predicate is written to file say as src/mycmd_1.py
, invoking it,
using python3 src/mycmd_1.py
will produce the correctly abstracted file under
The same predicate can also be used to fuzz by producing a new file src/fuzz_cmd_1.py
the following contents
import Fuzz as F
import mycmd_1 as Main
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
F.main('./lang/mycmd/grammar/mycmd.fbjson', './lang/mycmd/bugs/cmd_1.cmd', Main.my_predicate)
Invoking this file using python3 src/fuzz_mycmd_1.py
will produce the
fuzz output under fuzzing/fuzz_mycmd_1.json
, which can be inspected for