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Finagle 6.35.0

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@cacoco cacoco released this 27 Apr 23:10
· 3785 commits to develop since this release

Note: This is the final release that will support Scala 2.10 and Java 7.


  • finagle: remove unused finagle-validate and finagle-testers packages. RB_ID=818726

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • finagle-core: DeadlineFilter is now per-connection, so the max rejection percentage
    is not shared across clients. This prevents a single client from exceeding the rejection
    budget. RB_ID=813731.
  • finagle-http: Local Dtabs are now encoded into the Dtab-Local header. X-Dtab headers
    may still be read but should be considered deprecated. RB_ID=815092
  • finagle-thrift: Removed duplicate "thrift" label on Thrift/ThriftMux scrooge-related
    server stats. RB_ID=816825

Breaking API Changes

  • finagle-redis: Deprecated ChannelBuffer exposing apis for string commands. RB_ID=817766.
  • finagle-core: DefaultClient has been removed. Implementors should prefer c.t.f.StackClient
  • finagle-core: When a client is created, its server set resolution is started eagerly.
  • finagle-core: Dentry now takes a Dentry.Prefix instead of a Path. RB_ID=813914
  • finagle-cache-resolver: c.t.f.cacheresolver.ZookeeperCacheNodeGroup has been removed from the
    API since we no longer check for the zookeeper data for the cache pool size to refresh for the
    changes in the serverset. RB_ID=811190

New Features

  • finagle-core: Multi-line Dtabs may now contain line-oriented comments beginning with '#'.
    Comments are omitted from parsed Dtabs. RB_ID=818752
  • finagle-http: new stack params MaxChunkSize, MaxHeaderSize, and MaxInitialLineLength
    are available to configure the http codec. RB_ID=811129
  • finagle-mux: Mux now has support for fragmenting Tdispatch and Rdispatch payloads.
    This helps with head-of-line blocking in the presence of large payloads and allows
    long transmissions to be interrupted. RB_ID=794641.
  • finagle-core: Dtabs allow wildcard path elements in prefixes. RB_ID=813914
  • finagle-netty4: HTTP proxy support for any Finagle Netty 4 client. RB_ID=819752
  • finagle-core: Gauge for dns resolutions awaiting lookups. RB_ID=822410

Bug Fixes

  • finagle-http: Ensure that service closure is delayed until chunked response bodies
    have been processed. RB_ID=813110
  • finagle-stats: Ensure that histogram snapshotting does not fall behind if snapshot()
    is not called at least once per interval. RB_ID=826149