Provides a Maven Wagon implementation (see Maven website) for Windows Azure Blob storage. You can use Blob storage containers to store the artifacts of a remote/distribution repository of Maven.
Add an extension tag to your pom.xml file to enable the usage of Windows Azure Blob storage Wagon provider implementation
<extensions> <extension> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>maven-wagon-azure-blob</artifactId> <version>1.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version> </extension> </extensions>
Add a plugin repository entry in your pom.xml file to be able to download the extension
ExtensionsRepo true false -
Set up distribution management in your pom.xml file
AzureTest AzureTest azureblob://DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=mavenwagontests/tests
Note: 'url' tag starts with 'azureblob' which is the wagon protocol for Windows Azure Blob storage. After 'azureblob://' a valid Windows Azure Storage connection string gets specified, followed by '/' and the name of the blob container to be used.
Add Windows Azure Storage credentials to Maven's settings.xml file
<server> <id>AzureTest</id> <privateKey>[YourWindowsAzureStorageAccountKey]</privateKey> </server>
The 'privateKey' tag contains the Windows Azure Storage account key
To use from Leiningen add the following to your ~/.lein/profile.clj
:your-profile {:deploy-repositories {"snapshots" {:url "azureblob://<<YourAzureStorageAccountConnectionString>>" :no-auth true}
"releases" {:url "azureblob://<<YourAzureStorageAccountConnectionString>>" :no-auth true}}
:plugins [[ "1.0.2-SNAPSHOT"]]}
Then you can deploy with:
lein with-profile your-profile deploy