Examples from "Types and Programming Languages" Benjamin Pierce.
page 88: "Just because you've implemented something doesn't mean you understand it" (Brian Cantwell Smith).
- Untyped lambda calculus with beta reduction "up to renaming of bound variables"
- Untyped lambda calculus with de Bruijn presentation and full beta reduction
- Simply typed (Boolean) lambda calculus
To build:
$ stack build
To test (requires doctest, https://hackage.haskell.org/package/doctest):
$ stack test
typesandprogramminglanguages- test (suite: typesandprogramminglanguages-test)
Examples: 118 Tried: 118 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
Completed 2 action(s).
(see http://blog.rcook.org/blog/2016/doctest-discover-stack/)
For docs:
$ stack haddock