- Entity Framework Core
- AutoMapper
- Simple Cookie Authentication
- Bootstrap 4.x
- ASP.NET Core ViewComponents usage examples
- Nice folder structure
- MediatR (CQRS)
- Typescript and Webpack (laravel-mix)
- KnockoutJs using knockout.bootstrapper workflow
- Localization
- FluentValidations
- ❌ A structure for a conventional DDD application
- ✔️ An opionated structure that simplifies project bootstrapping
- ❌ An architecture based on default standards and common "good practices" (not necessarily though)
- ✔️ A battle tested toolset for small/medium projects focusing on developer productivity
ℹ️ The ideia behind this project is not having something set in stone. Unlike this, I'm constantly changing and adapting things around here in a way that can improve productivity (less code = less bugs). So, feel free to give it a try and share your thoughts. Any contributions are be welcome.