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Role Description

Installs Thinkst OpenCanary and configures options.

Example Playbooks

Install from Github Branch

- hosts: canaries
    - role: ansible-role-opencanary
        opencanary_version: master
        install_source: github
        portscan_enabled: "true"
        ssh_enabled: "true"
        ssh_port: 2222

Install from PyPi.Org

- hosts: canaries
    - role: ansible-role-opencanary
        opencanary_version: 0.9.0
        portscan_enabled: "true"
        mssql_enabled: "true"
        smb_enabled: "true"
        samba_share: "E$"

Install from PyPi.Org and ignore IP's

- hosts: canaries
    - role: ansible-role-opencanary
        opencanary_version: 0.9.0
        portscan_enabled: "true"
        mssql_enabled: "true"
        smb_enabled: "true"
        samba_share: "E$"

Role Variables

Name Default Value Description
opencanary_install_dir /opt/opencanary Install directory for opencanary virtual environment.
opencanary_version latest Specifies the version of OpenCanary to install from Tag/Branch.
install_source pypi Specifies where to get the install from or GitHub.
github_src_dir /opt/opencanary_src Directory to clone git repo to and build src.
device_node_id opencanary-{{ ansible-hostname }} OpenCanary device node id.
ip_ignorelist N/A Ansible list of IP addresses using CIDR notation.
logtype_ignorelist N/A Space delimited list of log codetypes to ignore.
git_enabled false Enable git canary.
git_port 9418 Port for git canary.
ftp_enabled false Enable ftp canary.
ftp_port 21 Port for ftp canary.
ftp_banner FTP Server Ready Banner for ftp canary.
http_banner Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Banner for http canary.
http_enabled false Enable http canary.
http_port 80 Port for http canary.
http_skin basicLogin Skin to use for http canary. (basicLogin, nasLogin)
http_customskin_folder N/A Folder to copy to HTTP skin folder. Place in same directory as playbook or specify path relatic to playbook.
https_enabled false Enable https canary.
https_port 443 Port for https canary.
https_skin basicLogin Skin to use for https canary.
https_certificate N/A Certificate for https canary.
https_key N/A Key for certificate for https canary.
httpproxy_enabled false Enable http proxy canary.
httpproxy_port 8080 Port for http proxy canary.
httpproxy_skin ms-isa Skin to use for http proxy canary. (snort, ms-isa)
llmnr_enabled false Enable LLMNR listener.
llmnr_query_interval 60 How often to broadcast the LLMNR query (in seconds)
llmnr_query_splay 5 Splay time to add randomness to the broadcast (in seconds)
llmnr_hostname {{ ansible_hostname }} Canary LLMNR Hostame.
llmnr_port 5353 LLMNR Port.
logger_syslog_address N/A Syslog address/domain name to send logs.
logger_syslog_port 514 Port to use for syslog logging.
logger_file_filename /var/log/opencanary.log File path/name of local log.
smtp_mailhost N/A Mail server to use.
smtp_port 25 SMTP port to mail server.
smtp_from_addr N/A From address.
smtp_to_addr N/A To Address.
smtp_subject OpenCanary Alert Email subject.
slack_webhook_url N/A Incoming Slack Webhook URL for Slack Alerts.
teams_webhook_url N/A Incoming Teams Webhook URL for Teams Alerts.
webhook_url N/A Generic Webhook URL.
webhook_method POST HTTP method to use (GET, POST, PUT).
webhook_data '{"message": "%(message)s"}' Data to be sent to webhook.
webhook_status_code 200 HTTP status code that is expected for a success.
webhook_ignore N/A List of strings that will not emit any log that contains the pattern. ie "192.0.2."
portscan_enabled false Enable port scan canary.
portscan_ignore_localhost false Disables portscan for localhost.
portscan_logfile /var/log/kern.log Log file scanned by port scan canary.
portscan_synrate 5 SYN rate for port scan canary.
portscan_nmaposrate 5 Nmap OS rate for port scan canary.
portscan_lorate 3 LO rate for port scan canary.
portscan_ignore_ports N/A Comma separated list of ports to ignore.
portscan_iptables_path N/A Path to iptables binary.
smb_auditfile /var/log/samba-audit.log Samba log for samba canary to watch.
smb_enabled false Enable samba canary.
samba_workgroup WORKGROUP Samba workgroup name.
samba_server_string N/A Samba server string.
samba_netbios_name {{ ansible_hostname }} Netbios name for Samba server.
samba_share personal Samba share name.
samba_comment Personal docs Samba share comment.
samba_path /opt/{{ samab_share }} Samba path that houses the share.
mysql_enabled false Enable mysql canary.
mysql_port 3306 Port to use for mysql canary.
mysql_banner 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 Banner for mysql canary.
ssh_enabled false Enable ssh canary.
ssh_port 22 Port to use for ssh canary.
ssh_banner SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-4 Banner for ssh canary.
redis_enabled false Enable redis canary.
redis_port 6379 Port to use for redis canary.
rdp_enabled false Enable rdp canary.
rdp_port 3389 Port to use for rdp canary.
sip_enabled false Enable sip canary.
sip_port 5060 Port to use for sip canary.
snmp_enabled false Enable snmp canary.
snmp_port 161 Port to use for snmp canary.
ntp_enabled false Enable ntp canary.
ntp_port 123 Port to use for ntp canary.
tftp_enabled false Enable tftp canary.
tftp_port 69 Port to use for tftp canary.
tcpbanner_maxnum 10 Max number of connections to tcpbanner canary.
tcpbanner_enabled false Enable tcpbanner canary.
tcpbanner_1_enabled false Enable tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_port 8001 Port for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_datareceivedbanner N/A Data received banner for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_initbanner N/A Init banner for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_alertstring_enabled false Enable alert string for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_alertstring N/A Alert string for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_keep_alive_enabled false Enable keep alive for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_keep_alive_secret N/A Keep alive secret for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_keep_alive_probes 11 Keep alive probes for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_keep_alive_interval 300 Keep alive interval for tcpbanner_1 canary.
tcpbanner_1_keep_alive_idle 300 Keep alive idle for tcpbanner_1 canary.
telnet_enabled false Enable telnet canary.
telnet_port 23 Port to use for telnet canary.
telnet_banner N/A Banner for telnet canary.
mssql_enabled false Enable mssql canary.
mssql_version 2012 Version of MSSQL to emulate with mssql canary.
mssql_port 1433 Port to use for mssql canary.
vnc_enabled false Enable vnc canary.
vnc_port 5000 Port to use for vnc canary.




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