API for interacting with Launchpad devices. Only tested/implemented on Launchpad Mini so far, likely to not work on other devices.
import {controller} from 'launchpad-controller';
// spawn a controller instance
const launchpad = controller();
// Do stuff
// disconnect
You may want to do something once the connection has been established. The even emitter interface will provide connected
/ disconnected
events for this purpose. You can also customise the connection port instead of allowing the controller to use the first available launchpad device.
// Passing false to controller() will prevent auto connection (you'll need to call connect() manually)
const launchpad = controller(false);
launchpad.events.on("connect", () => {
launchpad.events.on("disconnect", () => {
// "Connected"
// "Disconnected"
This is the interface to the buttons on your Launchpad.
const launchpad = controller();
launchpad.events.on("key", console.log);
/* Press some buttons on your launchpad.
You'll receive messages in the format [[ButtonType, x, y], KeyState]
These enums can be imported from the library, and will resolve to their strings.
e.g. [[ButtonType.Grid, 0, 0], KeyState.Up] === [["grid", 0, 0], "up"] */
/* You can also listen to just "up" or "down" events, in which case you'll
only receive the button that was pressed i.e. [ButtonType.Automap, 3, 0] */
const launchpad = controller();
[Button.Grid, 0, 0],
// Available colours: Red, Green, Amber, Yellow, Off
// Available intensities: High, Medium, Low
const launchpad = controller();
// Do stuff
// Send a reset message to the midi device, blanking all the keys.