This module creates an AWS Application Load Balancer
No requirements.
The following providers are used by this module:
- aws (4.28.0)
No modules.
The following resources are used by this module:
- aws_alb.alb (resource)
- aws_kms_key.alb_key (resource)
- aws_s3_bucket.alb_access_logs (resource)
- aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.public_block (resource)
- aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.alb_log_encryption_config (resource)
The following input variables are required:
Description: The name to give the load balancer. The name will have the namespace appended
Type: string
Description: A list of subnet IDs to associate with ALB
Type: list(string)
Description: VPC ID to associate with ALB
Type: string
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: A list of additional security group IDs to allow access to ALB
Type: list(string)
Default: []
Description: A mapping of tags to assign to the AWS resources.
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
The following outputs are exported:
Description: n/a