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Custom Apps Examples

A collection of custom apps for Storyblok created by the community. Read more about creating custom apps here. Custom apps can be built by any partner. Read more about our partners and how to become one of them here.

Table of Content

Example Repositories

The following examples live in their own Github repository.

Example Author
Storyblok Workflow App
A Storyblok custom app for managing workflow stages


Have an example? Submit a PR or open an issue.We are happy to accept more examples from the community.

Adding an example in this repository
  1. Create a new folder for your custom app

  2. Add a file in your example folder with a markdown table of the following format:

Name Description Author
Name of your custom app Short description Your Github
  1. Make sure your contribution matches the linting setup for this repo:

Run the linting via

npm run lint
  1. Regenerate the with the following command
npm run docs
  1. Open a new pull request with your example. ⚡️
Adding an example in a different repository

If you want to be listed in the Example Repositories, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new entry with a name, description, and githubUrl in the community-examples.json file.

  2. Regenerate the with the following command

npm run docs
  1. Open a new pull request with your example. ⚡️