This folder has scripts and resources that can execute performance tests to examine the performance of Istio Ambient and compare it to Istio sidecar and no-mesh setups.
For HTTP tests with nighthawk, the script will execute a nighthawk client that will send requests to the server service which is also a nighthawk running in a server mode.
For HTTP tests with fortio, the script will execute a fortio client that will send requests to a httpbin service.
For TCP tests, the script will execute an iperf3 client that will send requests to an iperf3 server for a given number of connections, defaulting to 1000.
yq and jq are required
The performance test script in this project are executing redirection scripts and Istio installation from the Istio Sidecarless repo
OPTIONAL: Prometheus, Grafana and Node-Exporter can be installed to collect metrics and view the provided analysis dashboard:
cat <<\EOF > ./values.yaml alertmanager: enabled: false kubeStateMetrics: enabled: false nodeExporter: enabled: true prometheus: prometheusSpec: retention: 60d EOF helm repo add prometheus-community helm repo update helm install kube-prometheus-stack \ prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \ --version 30.0.1 \ --namespace monitoring \ --create-namespace \ -f values.yaml
To allow chaining multiple clusters with the same config, a number of changes have been made.
You can now use config.yaml to configure your test parameters.
Valid test types:
- http
- tcp
- tcp-throughput
For http test types, there are two possible performance clients:
- nighthawk
- fortio
An example:
service_port_name: "tcp"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 1 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
final_result: "/home/daniel/results/test.txt"
test_type: "http"
perf_client: "nighthawk"
istioctl_path: "/home/daniel/dev/ambient/istioctl"
- context: "gke_solo-test-236622_us-west1-c_daniel-ambient"
result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/1.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 1 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
Then just run:
Some options can be defined globally, and/or in a cluster. Globally will define defaults, with cluster overriding the default (if a cluster-level config option).
Option | Can be defined in cluster | Default | Description |
context | yes | N/A | The kubeconfig context to use. |
continue_on_fail | no | yes | If yes, will continue to next cluster if a test fails. |
count | yes | 1000 | How many times to run the test. Only used for tcp test_type. |
final_result | no | /tmp/results.txt | The file to write the final results (ASCII table) to. |
hub | no | null | The hub to use for Istio. |
params | yes | N/A | The parameters to pass to the performance client. |
perf_client | yes | nighthawk | The performance client to use. Only used for http test_type. Valid values are: nighthawk, fortio |
result_file | yes | /tmp/results.csv | The file to write test results to, only a cluster level config item. |
server_scale | yes | 1 | How many replicas to deploy, only used for http test types with the fortio performance client. |
tag | no | null | The tag to use for Istio. |
test_type | yes | http | The type of test to run. Valid values are: http, tcp, tcp-throughput |
test_wait | yes | 1 | The amount of time, in seconds, to wait after a test completes before starting the next. |
service_port_name: "tcp"
params: '-n 100M --parallel 1 --bidir'
final_result: "/home/daniel/results/testt.txt"
hub: ""
tag: "1.16-dev"
test_type: "tcp-throughput"
count: 1000
- context: "gke_solo-test-236622_us-west1-c_daniel-ambient"
result_file: "/home/daniel/results/test-throughput.csv"
params: '-n 100M'
- context: "gke_solo-test-236622_us-west1-c_daniel-ambient"
test_type: "tcp"
result_file: "/home/daniel/results/test-latency.csv"
params: '-n 1K --parallel 1 --bidir'
params: '--concurrency 1 --simple-warmup --output-format json --rps 200 --duration 60'
final_result: "/home/daniel/results/overall-gke.txt"
hub: ""
tag: "1.16-dev"
test_type: "http"
context: "gke_solo-test-236622_us-west1-c_daniel-ambient"
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/1.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 1 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/2.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 2 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/8.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 8 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/16.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 16 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/32.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 32 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/64.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 64 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'
- result_file: "/home/daniel/results/http/128.csv"
params: '--concurrency 2 --output-format json --prefetch-connections --open-loop --experimental-h1-connection-reuse-strategy lru --connections 128 --rps 1000 --duration 60 --request-header "x-nighthawk-test-server-config: {response_body_size:1024}" --request-body-size 1024'