Virtual machine suitable for PHP development (Symfony, Laravel, Drupal 8, etc). Build with Debian 7.x (Wheezy) including Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM and more packages.
- VirtualBox:
- Vagrant:
- Java (openJDK)
- MailCatcher
Set your favourite app to deliver to smtp:// instead of your default SMTP server, then check out to see the mail that's arrived so far.
- Memcached
Uses the custom.ini from provisioning/roles/mysql/templates to override the default settings
- NodeJs
- Redis
Uses the config from provisioning/roles/redis/templates/redis.conf.j2
Uses the config files from provisioning/roles/php-fpm/templates
- Nginx
- Zend-Server
Can't be used with the roles PHP-FPM and Nginx!
- Vagrantfile
This file contains a config options array which you can change, or create a Vagrantfile.local with the config options you want to override.
- provisioning/group_vars/all
This file contains all configuration variables for the available roles.
- provisioning/playbook.yml
Enable the roles you need by removing the # in front of the line or place a # in front of a role to disable it
Copy the Vagrantfile and provisioning directory to your project, update the configuration and type:
vagrant up
- Make PHP Timezone configurable, currently hardcoded to Europe/Amsterdam
- Add vhost to Zend-Server
This code is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license