This toolchain deploys the Cloud Insurance Co. project.
Get started with this project, which is an online insurance application that consists of microservices:
- insurance-catalog - An API to retrieve and update a catalog of insurance policies
- insurance-orders - An API to retrieve and update a list of insurance policy orders made by customers
- insurance-bot - UI that provides a chat bot interface for users to query their health benefits and file claims.
- insurance-bot-dashboard - A user interface showing an history of the bot chats for further analysis.
- insurance-bot-ios - An iOS application for the chat bot.
- insurance-bot-android - An Android application for the chat bot.
Ensure you have 2GB of free memory and space for 5 additional services in your organization.
It is recommended to create a new space in your organization. This helps grouping the apps and services together in the console.
To get started, click this button:
⚠️ After you have create the toolchain, you will need to perform a manual step to import the Watson Conversation workspace into the chat bot. Refer to these instructions to complete the configuration.
Clicking it will:
- create 4 GitHub repositories with the required source code for all the application components;
- instantiate the toolchain in your Bluemix org and space;
- trigger the toolchain, thereby deploying the selected branches (default to master) for all application components.
The toolchain is preconfigured for:
- issue tracking
- source control
- continuous delivery and integration (CI/CD)
- unit and code coverage testing
- blue-green deployment
- Bluemix DevOps Services:
- Documentation on Bluemix Toolchains
- InterConnect 2016 video recording
- IBM Bluemix Garage Method