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skwee edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 5 revisions

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Simulation with simavr

Some experiments where made with simavr to prove the independence of the xy and uv planes. For the simulation the gcode of the inner panel of a 2 panel Supergee II 2 wing was used. Simulation was performed with 2 runs for the right and the left wing.

The original grbl-0.8 takes into accout the maximum speed (feedrate) and the acceleration of the tools path. Adjustments to planner.c where made to consider the change from a single tool path (i.e. nozzle of 3d printer) in 3 dimensions to two semi-independent tool paths in 2 dimensions (wire end of hot wire foam cutter).

Here are the VCD-waveforms from the simulation: Waveform segment-1-right

Wafeform segment-1-left

To be done:

  • Real live tests have to be made.
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