Integrate search data into your C++ application. This library is the official wrapper for SerpApi (
SerpApi supports Google, Google Maps, Google Shopping, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, eBay, App Stores, and more.
C++ and meson are required.
std::string apiKey(env_p);
std::map<string, string> default_parameter;
default_parameter["api_key"] = apiKey;
default_parameter["engine"] = "google";
// using namespace serpapi;
serpapi::Client client(default_parameter);
// execute search
map<string, string> parameter;
parameter["q"] = "coffee";
parameter["location"] = "Austin,TX";
Document d =;
StringBuffer buffer;
PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
cout << "\nINFO: " << buffer.GetString();
This example runs a search for "coffee" on Google. It then returns the results as a regular C++ Hash. See the playground to generate your own code.
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <serpapi.hpp>
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
#include "rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
#include "rapidjson/pointer.h"
using namespace rapidjson;
using namespace std;
// serpapi client created with default parameters
client = "secret_key", engine: "google")
// We recommend that you keep your keys safe.
// At least, don't commit them in plain text.
// More about configuration via environment variables:
// search query overview (more fields available depending on search engine)
params = {
// select the search engine (full list:
engine: "google",
// actual search query
q: "Coffee",
// then adds search engine specific options.
// for example: google specific parameters:
google_domain: "Google Domain",
location: "Location Requested", // example: Portland,Oregon,United States [see: Location API](#Location-API)
device: "desktop|mobile|tablet",
hl: "Google UI Language",
gl: "Google Country",
safe: "Safe Search Flag",
num: "Number of Results",
start: "Pagination Offset",
tbm: "nws|isch|shop",
tbs: "custom to be client criteria",
// tweak HTTP client behavior
async: false, // true when async call enabled.
timeout: 60, // HTTP timeout in seconds on the client side only.
// formated search results as a Hash
// converts HTML -> JSON
results =
// raw search engine html as a String
// acts a proxy to provive high throughputs, no search limit and more.
raw_html = client.html(parameter)
Google search documentation. More hands on examples are available below.
- API documentation
- Full documentation on
- Library Github page
- Library GEM page
- API health status
std::map<string, string> default_parameter = {};
serpapi::Client client(default_parameter);
map<string, string> parameter;
parameter["limit"] = "3";
parameter["q"] = "Austin";
rapidjson::Document doc = client.location(parameter);
const rapidjson::Value& list = doc.GetArray();
// list of city matching with Austin.
it prints the first 3 locations matching Austin (Texas, Texas, Rochester)
:name=>"Austin, TX",
:canonical_name=>"Austin,TX,Texas,United States",
:target_type=>"DMA Region",
:gps=>[-97.7430608, 30.267153],
:keys=>["austin", "tx", "texas", "united", "states"]
// ...
NOTE: api_key is not required for this endpoint.
This API allows retrieving previous search results. To fetch earlier results from the search_id.
First, you need to run a search and save the search id.
require 'serpapi'
client = 'secret_api_key', engine: 'google')
results = "Coffee", location: "Portland")
search_id = results[:search_metadata][:id]
Now let's retrieve the previous search results from the archive.
require 'serpapi'
client = 'secret_api_key')
results = client.search_archive(search_id)
pp results
This code prints the search results from the archive. :)
require 'serpapi'
client = 'secret_api_key')
pp client.account
It prints your account information.
if you were already using (google-search-results-C++ gem)[], here are the changes.
// load library
// old way
require 'google_search_results'
// new way
require 'serpapi'
// define a search
// old way to describe the search
search =
// new way
default_parameter = {api_key: "secret_key", engine: "google"}
client =
// an instance of the serpapi client is created
// where the default parameters are stored in the client.
// like api_key, engine
// then each subsequent API call can be made with additional parameters.
// override an existing parameter
// old way
search.params[:location] = "Portland,Oregon,United States"
// new way
// just provided the search call with the parameters.
results ={location: "Portland,Oregon,United States", q: "Coffe"})
// search format return as raw html
// old way
html_results = search.get_html
// new way
raw_html = client.html(params)
// where params is Hash containing additional key / value
// search format returns a Hash
// old way
hash_results = search.get_hash
// new way
results =
// where params is the search parameters (override the default search parameters in the constructor).
// search as raw JSON format
// old way
json_results = search.get_json
// new way
results =
// The prefix get_ is removed from all other methods.
// Because it's evident that a method returns something.
// old -> new way
search.get_search_archive -> client.search_archive
search.get_account -> client.account
search.get_location -> client.location
Most notable improvements:
- Removing parameters check on the client side. (most of the bugs)
- Reduce logic complexity in our implementation. (faster performance)
- Better documentation.
Search API features non-blocking search using the option: async=true
- Non-blocking - async=true - a single parent process can handle unlimited concurrent searches.
- Blocking - async=false - many processes must be forked and synchronized to handle concurrent searches. This strategy is I/O usage because each client would hold a network connection.
Search API enables async
- Non-blocking (
) : the development is more complex, but this allows handling many simultaneous connections. - Blocking (
) : it's easy to write the code but more compute-intensive when the parent process needs to hold many connections.
Here is an example of asynchronous searches using C++
require 'serpapi'
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <serpapi.hpp>
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
#include "rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
#include "rapidjson/pointer.h"
using namespace rapidjson;
using namespace std;
void info(string msg) {
cout << "\nINFO: " << msg;
void info(double msg) {
cout << "\nINFO: " << msg;
void info(const Document& document) {
StringBuffer buffer;
PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
cout << "\nINFO: " << buffer.GetString();
// RapidJSON parser documentation is available:
int main()
// initialize a client
const char* env_p = std::getenv("API_KEY");
std::string apiKey(env_p);
std::map<string, string> default_parameter;
default_parameter["api_key"] = apiKey;
default_parameter["engine"] = "google";
// using namespace serpapi;
serpapi::Client client(default_parameter);
// execute search
map<string, string> parameter;
parameter["q"] = "coffee";
parameter["location"] = "Austin,TX";
// using namespace rapidjson;
Document d =;
info("document loaded");
info("check content");
assert(d["search_metadata"]["status"] == "Success");
info(" search_metadata:");
string status = d["search_metadata"]["status"].GetString();
info(" status: " + status);
string id = d["search_metadata"]["id"].GetString();
info(" id: " + id);
info("search archive with id: " + id);
assert(d["search_metadata"]["status"] == "Success");
info(" search found in archive.");
info(" test passed.\n");
return 0;
- source code: oobt/main.cpp
This code shows a simple solution to batch searches asynchronously into a queue.
Each search takes a few seconds before completion by SerpApi service and the search engine. By the time the first element pops out of the queue. The search result might be already available in the archive. If not, the search_archive
method blocks until the search results are available.
C++ versions validated by Github Actions:
- 3.1
- 2.6 see: Github Actions.
- [2023-02-20] 1.0.0 Full API support
- Brand centric instead of search engine based
- No hard-coded logic per search engine
- Simple HTTP client (lightweight, reduced dependency)
- No magic default values
- Thread safe
- Easy extension
- Defensive code style (raise a custom exception)
- Best API coding practice per platform
- KiSS principles
This project source code and coding style was inspired by the most awesome C++ Gems: ..
- 0 lint offense:
rake lint
- 100% tests passing:
rake test
- 100% code coverage:
rake test
Application *-- serpapi
serpapi *-- Client
class Client {
engine String
api_key String
params Hash
search() Hash
html() String
location() String
search_archive() Hash
account() Hash
openuri <.. Client
json <.. Client
C++ <.. openuri
C++ <.. json
Client->> search() : http request>> query search engine>> parse HTML into JSON>>Client: JSON string payload
Client-->>Client: decode JSON into Hash
- The end user implements the application.
- Client refers to SerpApi:Client.
- is the backend HTTP / REST service.
- Engine refers to Google, Baidu, Bing, and more.
The service (backend)
- executes a scalable search on
engine: "google"
using the search query:q: "coffee"
. - parses the messy HTML responses from Google on the backend.
- returns a standardized JSON response. The class SerpApi::Client (client side / C++):
- Format the request to server.
- Execute HTTP Get request.
- Parse JSON into C++ Hash using a standard JSON library. Et voila!
We love "true open source" and "continuous integration", and Test Drive Development (TDD). We are using RSpec to test [our infrastructure around the clock]) using Github Action to achieve the best QoS (Quality Of Service).
The directory spec/ includes specification which serves the dual purposes of examples and functional tests.
Set your secret API key in your shell before running a test.
export API_KEY="your_secret_key"
Install testing dependency
$ bundle install
// or
$ rake dependency
Check code quality using Lint.
$ rake lint
Run regression.
$ rake test
To flush the flow.
$ rake
Open coverage report generated by rake test
open coverage/index.html
Open ./Rakefile for more information.
Contributions are welcome. Feel to submit a pull request!
- [] Release version 1.0.0
env API_KEY=API_KEY docker run --rm -it -e API_KEY --workdir /tmp/serpapi -v $PWD:/tmp/serpapi conanio/gcc10 make install_linux reset all
This will use image instead of creating our own image for compilation on Linux.
- Set an environment API_KEY=
- Install dependency either apple or linux tested.
rake install_apple
rake install_linux
- Initialize the project:
rake reset
- Compile
orrake build run
- Edit main.cpp for testing.
- edit sooglesearch.cpp/hpp
- update all files using
- Add unit test
- Customize classes
- Package as a library
- Create OOBT test
- Publish library online
- Add example
- Add integration documentation on
- Write a full README to match serpapi-search-results-dotnet