This is a quiz score tracker designed to keep track of the scores in a quiz where each team in the quiz contributes a round and therefore cannot receive a score in that round.
When doing this with my family twice a week during quarantine I eventually decided that the method we were using to assign a score to the team which made the round, which was giving them the highest score of the other teams, was unfair and we should look to other methods such as using the median or mean score of the other teams.
This repo provides a client/server system which allows for tracking of scores according to each of the metrics mentioned above.
To build the server
bazel build //cmd/scores:scores
To build the client
bazel build //cmd/client:client
To run the server normally
bazel run //cmd/scores:scores
To run the server in a docker container
bazel run //cmd/scores:scores_container
To run the client
bazel run //cmd/client:client