These demos use the three.js 3D library, and required a modern browser with WebGL enabled.
I'm documenting the process I went through/am going through in using threejs by doing an incremental video series. The results produced in each video are also available in the links below.
- Getting Started [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Floor Space and Movement [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Light and Shadow [Youtube] [Live Demo]
- Textures, Normal & Bump Maps [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Model/Material Loading [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Basic Loading Screen [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Multiple Models & Instancing [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- FPS Gun View [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Shooting & Projectiles [YouTube] [Live Demo]
- Sprites/Billboarding
- Mouselook / Pointer Lock
- Third Person View