Do not create a feature under app module
Use app module as a bridge between feature modules
"" mandatory for build android app
"" for multi modules
at least the feature module contain a single activity even though we have a lot of fragments inside.
For the applink, we have to standarized the scheme & host. scheme -> bps-app:// :features:home -> bps-app://home :features:splash-screen -> bps-app://splash-screen
If we have a few fragments in the feature module, how to navigate into a specific fragment? :features:news NewsActivity -> Tab 1 (Directory), Tab 2 (Favorites)
Path: bps-app://news/directories bps-app://news/favorites
Query: bps-app://news?tab=directories bps-app://news?tab=favorites
Step to module deletion
- Unload module in settings.gradle
- Delete the dependencies in app/build.gradle (if any)
- Sync Now
- Simply right-click the module -> Delete
Steps to create module
Create directory -> features
Create module -> Android library -> module name: :features:nama-module
Make sure the feature module already registered in settings.gradle
Add the feature module as a part of app module by: implementation(project(":features:nama-module"))
For a special case (such as: the activity launcher), we have to remove the manifest from their own feature module's manifest for that activity, thus, we are able to define the activity inside the app module's manifest.
feature module's manifest:
app module's manifest:
Create the applink
To navigate the feature module from another module, do like this: val applink = "sample-schema://host" val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(applink)) startActivity(intent)
Step to manage the similar dependencies
Create the toml file for dependencies management
Enable the toml file in settings.gradle.kts versionCatalogs { create("libs") { from(files("libs.dependencies.toml")) } }
How to define the dependencies: [versions] variable-name-ver = "1.2.3"
[libraries] variable-name = { module = "sample.test:test", version.ref = "variable-name-ver" }
How to call it ? implementation(
Architecture Components
- We have to differentiate between mutable and immutable a. Mutable -> read-write (for data changes inside ViewModel) b. Immutable -> read-only (for consuming outside ViewModel, e.g. Activity)