'WebDriver' Client for 'PhantomJS'
A client for the 'WebDriver' 'API'. It allows driving a (probably headless) web browser, and can be used to test web applications, including 'Shiny' apps. In theory it works with any 'WebDriver' implementation, but it was only tested with 'PhantomJS'.
webdriver uses PhantomJS as a headless web browser. (In theory in works
with other WebDriver clients as well.) You can use the install_phantomjs()
function to download and install PhantomJS on your system. Alternatively
an installation that is in the PATH is sufficient.
The run_phantomjs()
function starts PhantomJS, and waits until it is ready
to serve queries. It returns a process object that you can terminate
manually, and the port on which PhantomJS is listening.
pjs <- run_phantomjs()
## $process
## PROCESS 'phantomjs', running, pid 45932.
## $port
## [1] 5793
Use the Session
class to connection to a running PhantomJS process.
One process can save multiple sessions, and the sessions are independent
of each other.
ses <- Session$new(port = pjs$port)
Once a session is established, you can manipulate the headless web browser through it:
## [1] "https://r-pkg.org/pkg/callr"
## [1] "callr @ METACRAN"
You can also take a screenshot of the whole web page, and show it on R's graphics device, or save it to a PNG file:
The Session
object has two methods to find HTML elements on the current
web page, which can then be further manipulated: findElement()
. They work with CSS or XPATH selectors, and also with
(possibly partial) HTML text.
install <- ses$findElement(".install-package")
## [1] "div"
## [1] "install.packages(\"callr\")"
If you have an HTML element that can receive keyboard keys, you can use
the sendKeys()
method to send them. The key
list helps with sending
special, characters, e.g. key$enter
corresponds to pressing ENTER. For
example we can type into a search box:
search <- ses$findElement("#cran-input")
search$sendKeys("html", key$enter)
## [1] "https://r-pkg.org/search.html?q=html"
## [1] "METACRAN search results"
The executeScript()
method of a Session
object runs arbitrary JavaScript
in the headless browser. It puts the supplied code into the body of a
JavaScript function, and the function will receive the additional arguments,
in its arguments
array. Element
objects as arguments are automatically
converted to the corresponding DOM elements in the browser.
The JavaScript function can return values to R. Returned HTML elements are
automatically converted to Element
ses$executeScript("return 42 + 'foobar';")
## [1] "42foobar"
search2 <- ses$executeScript("return document.getElementById('cran-input');")
## [1] "input"
objects also have an executeScript()
method, which works the
same way as the Session
method, but it automatically supplies the HTML
element as the first argument of the JavaScript function.
works synchronously. If you need asynchronous execution,
you can use the executeScriptAsync()
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