A super simple command to upload file to aliyun oss.
Usage of ./ossuploader:
-b string
Bucket to store file.
-c string
Location of config file. Default is "$HOME/.ossuploader/config.json".
-d Delete action.
-e string
Endpoint of ali OSS service.
-i string
File to upload.
-o string
Name to save file in bucket. Default is the name of uploading file.
-r int
Number of routines for parallel upload. (default 1)
"accesskey": "MY_ACCESS_KEY",
"secretkey": "MY_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"
./ossuploader -e oss-cn-beijing-internal.aliyuncs.com -c ./config.json -b my-bucket -i test.file -o tmp/test.bin
./ossuploader -e oss-cn-beijing-internal.aliyuncs.com -b my-bucket -d -o tmp/test.bin