A Clojure library for talking to a CJDNS server. Alpha. YMMV.
Add to your project.clj :dependencies list:
[cjdnsadmin-clj "0.1.0"]
Then in your .clj file:
(:require [cjdnsadmin-clj.core :as cjd :only [request]])
Now you can pass it requests:
(cjd/request "InterfaceController_peerStats")
As a bonus, it includes a utility function to change host public keys into IPv6 addresses:
(:require [cjdnsadmin-clj.util :as cjdutil :only [public-to-ip6]])
(cjdutil/public-to-ip6 pubkey)
Copyright © 2013 Robbie Huffman
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.