🔫 Top down shooter with LÖVE
- Move: WASD or Arrow keys
- Fire: Main mouse button
- Reload: Sub mouse button
- Restart: F5
- Debug mode: F12
- Print screen: Capture a screenshot and save it to a save-directory
- Download and install LÖVE 11.2.
- Download the latest version of
game distribution from release. - Open the distribution with LÖVE.
git clone https://github.com/remyroez/love-top-down-shooter.git
cd love-top-down-shooter/game
love .
- LÖVE 11.2
- autobatch 0.1.1 (customized)
- lume 2.3.0
- lurker 1.0.1
- middleclass v4.1.1
- Stateful 1.0.5 (2017-08)
- chrono
- sbss (customized)
- Simple Tiled Implementation (customized + implement windfield plugin)
- Kenney Game Assets
- splashes (customized)
MIT License