Explain this code👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
This is an HTML code for a food delivery website. Here's a breakdown of the different sections and elements:
Head Section🧠🧠🧠🧠
The code starts with the HTML5 doctype declaration and the tag. The section contains metadata about the document, including: Links to external CSS files (Bootstrap and a custom stylesheet) Links to external JavaScript files (jQuery, Popper, and Bootstrap) A link to a font awesome script A title tag with the text "Food Munch"
Body Section
The section contains the content of the webpage. The code is divided into several sections, each with its own container element (e.g.,
The first section is a navigation bar with a logo, navigation links, and a toggle button for responsive design. The navigation links are anchored to specific sections of the page using IDs (e.g., #wcu-section). Banner Section
The second section is a banner with a heading, paragraph, and two buttons. The heading and paragraph are centered using Bootstrap's text-center class. Why Choose Us Section
The third section is a "Why Choose Us" section with three cards, each containing an image, heading, and paragraph. The cards are arranged using Bootstrap's grid system. Explore Menu Section
The fourth section is an "Explore Menu" section with six cards, each containing an image, heading, and link. The cards are arranged using Bootstrap's grid system. Healthy Food Section
The fifth section is a "Healthy Food" section with an image, heading, and paragraph. The image is centered using Bootstrap's text-center class. Delivery and Payment Section
The sixth section is a "Delivery and Payment" section with an image, heading, paragraph, and button. The image is centered using Bootstrap's text-center class. Thanking Customers Section
The seventh section is a "Thanking Customers" section with a heading, paragraph, and button. The section is divided into two columns using Bootstrap's grid system. Follow Us Section
The eighth section is a "Follow Us" section with a heading and three social media icons. The icons are arranged using Bootstrap's d-flex class. Footer Section
The ninth and final section is a footer section with a logo, email address, and physical address. The content is centered using Bootstrap's text-center class. Overall, this code uses Bootstrap's grid system, navigation, and utility classes to create a responsive and visually appealing layout for a food delivery website.