SV is a simple sorting visualizer programming using C++20 and SFML. Users can run many different sorting algorithms with randomly generated starting values or use an input list of starting values in order to visualize what certain configurations will yield.
This project depends on SFML. Download and build it on your machine before building SV
To install just clone this repository onto your local machine. SV is built using bpt. To build simply run:
$ bpt build -t build.yaml -o build
This will build and verify the program and place the built binary in build/bin
. Once built you can run using:
$ ./build/bin/sv
The included sorting algorithms in SV are:
- Bubble sort
- Bubble sort II
- Bucket sort
- Counting sort
- Insertion sort
- Introsort
- Heapsort
- Mergesort
- Pancake sort
- Quicksort
- Radix sort
- Selection sort
- Shellsort
- Timsort
This project is under the MIT License. The code of conduct is governed by the contributor covenant (v2.1). Contributing guidelines are outlined in the here.