Features in This Release
Added NETLIB X86 CPU backend support in BLAS domain for DPC++, LLVM and hipSYCL compilers
Added Unified Shared Memory (USM) Interfaces support in BLAS domain
Extended support in BLAS domain with low-precision, mixed precision GEMMs and various batch implementations.
Extended support in BLAS domain with transposition routines.
Added cuBLAS Nvidia GPU backend support in BLAS domain for hipSYCL compiler
Added portBLAS X86 CPU, Intel GPU, Nvidia GPU and AMD GPU backend support in BLAS domain for DPC++ and LLVM compilers.
Added rocBLAS AMD GPU backend in BLAS domain for LLVM and hipSYCL compilers.
Extended MKLCPU and MKLGPU backend support in BLAS domain with pointers for scalar parameters.
Various updates in BLAS domain to align with SYCL 2020 spec and bug fixes
- Introduced LAPACK SYCL APIs support for x86 CPU and Intel GPU with the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library, Nvidia GPU with the cuSOLVER library and AMD GPU with the rocSOLVER library.
- Introduced DFT SYCL APIs support for x86 CPU and Intel GPU with the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library, Nvidia GPU with the cuFFT library and AMD GPU with the rocFFT library.
- Introduced RNG Device API support according to the oneAPI 1.3 specification
Replaced FindMKL.cmake with MKLConfig.cmake from Intel oneMKL
Extended support for cmake fetchcontent module
Known Issues and Limitations
RNG Host API Philox4x32x10 engine may produce incorrect numbers in Skip_Ahead_Ex test in case of mklgpu backend and Intel oneMKL 2024.0 release
The LAPACK domain for x86 CPU with Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library backend has build failures with builds of the LLVM* compiler after 2023-09-27. Use builds from 2023-09-26 or earlier.