In this hands-on session, we will collaboratively improve a guide on Git using Github and/or Git. To begin, please read our guide on contributing!
- Getting a Git Repository
- Normal Workflow
- Basic Branching and Merging
- Reviewing History - Git Log
- Comparing Commits - Git Diff
- Distributed Workflows
- Git Tag
- Ignoring files
- Rebasing
- Interactive Rebasing
- Interactive Adding
- Stashing
- Git Treeishes
- Tracking Branches
- Finding with Git Grep
- Undoing in Git - Reset, Checkout, and Revert
- Maintaining Git
- Setting Up A Public Repository
- Setting Up a Private Repository
- Pro Git book for a comprehensive guide on everything Git and Github
- Git Cheat Sheets for a quick reference to Git commands
- GitHub Learning Lab for hands-on practice using Git
- Git-it for a desktop app with Git challenges
- Happy Git with R for integrating Git version control with R
- DataLad for Git-like version control of datasets
Adapted from gitbook by
- Scott Chacon
- Emil Sit