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About nystudio107/devmode

This is the source code to the website, which is the home for the podcast. It's MIT licensed, so you can do what you like with it, providing the copyright notice & license stay intact.

Pull Requests are welcome, and Issues are welcome as well.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Vite buildchain

This project uses a Vite.js for the build system as per Vite.js Next Generation Frontend Tooling + Craft CMS, as opposed to the usual webpack buildchain.

Vite is fast

There is also a modular webpack 5 buildchain of this project available (which is what was used prior to switching to Vite).

Try Yourself!

Initial setup

You'll need Docker desktop for your platform installed to run devMode in local development

Ensure you're using the Docker Compose API v2 for the make commands to all work properly.

Ensure no other local development environments are running that might have port conflicts, then:

  1. Clone the git repo with:
git clone
  1. Go into the project's directory:
   cd devmode
  1. Start up the site by typing this in the project's root directory:
make dev

(the first build will be somewhat lengthy, ignore the warnings from queue_1).

If it appears to hang at Building php_xdebug, your PhpStorm or other IDE is likely waiting for an Xdebug connection; quit PhpStorm or stop it from listening for Xdebug during the initial build.

  1. Once the site is up and running (see below), navigate to:

The vite-dev-server for Hot Module Replacement (HMR) serving of static resources runs off of http://localhost:3000

🎉 You're now up and running Node 16, Vite, Nginx, PHP, Postgres, Redis, xdebug, & ffmpeg without having to do any devops!

The first time you do make dev it will be slow, because it has to build all of the Docker images.

Subsequent make dev commands will be much faster, but still a little slow because we intentionally do a composer install and an npm install each time, to keep our dependencies in sync.

Wait until you see the following to indicate that the PHP container is ready:

php_1         | Craft is installed.
php_1         | Applying changes from your project config files ... done
php_1         | [01-Dec-2020 18:38:46] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 22
php_1         | [01-Dec-2020 18:38:46] NOTICE: ready to handle connections

...and the following to indicate that the Vite container is ready:

vite_1           |   vite v2.7.2 dev server running at:
vite_1           | 
vite_1           |   > Local:    http://localhost:3000/
vite_1           |   > Network:
vite_1           | 
vite_1           |   ready in 1607ms.

All of the Twig files, JavaScript, Vue components, CSS, and even the Vite config itself will reflect changes immediately Hot Module Replacement and vite-dev-server, so feel free to edit things and play around.

A password-scrubbed seed database will automatically be installed; you can log into the CP at http://localhost:8000/admin via these credentials:

User: [email protected]
Password: password

Makefile Project Commands

This project uses Docker to shrink-wrap the devops it needs to run around the project.

To make using it easier, we're using a Makefile and the built-in make utility to create local aliases. You can run the following from terminal in the project directory:

  • make dev - starts up the local dev server listening on http://localhost:8000/
  • make build - builds the static assets via the Vite buildchain
  • make clean - removes the cms/composer.lock & the entire cms/vendor/ directory as well as the buildchain/package-lock.json & the entire buildchain/node_modules/ directory
  • make composer xxx - runs the composer command passed in, e.g. make composer install
  • make craft xxx - runs the craft console command passed in, e.g. make craft project-config/apply in the php container
  • make npm xxx - runs the npm command passed in, e.g. make npm install
  • make nuke - restarts the project from scratch by running make clean (above), then shuts down the Docker containers, removes any mounted volumes (including the database), and then rebuilds the containers from scratch
  • make ssh - opens up a Unix shell inside the PHP container for the project

Tip: If you try a command like make craft project-config/apply --force you’ll see an error, because the shell thinks the --force flag should be applied to the make command. To side-step this, use the -- (double-dash) to disable further option processing, like this: make -- craft project-config/apply --force

Things you can try

With the containers up and running, here are a few things you can try:

  • Edit a CSS file such as src/css/components/global.pcss to add something like this, and change the colors to see the CSS change instantly via HRM:
* {
  border: 3px solid red;
  • Edit the src/vue/DevmodePlayer.vue vue component, changing the currentSeconds data prop from 0 to 1000 and see your changes instantly via HMR (the slider will move)

  • Set up the file in the scripts/ directory if you want to use the scripts there by running this in your terminal from the project root: cp scripts/ scripts/

  • Build the production assets by typing make build to build the critical CSS, fonts, and other production assets. They will appear in cms/web/dist/ (just double-click on the report-legacy.html and report-modern.html files to view them)

N.B.: Without authorization & credentials (which are private), the make pulldb will not work (it just runs scripts/ It's provided here for instructional purposes, and for hosts

Other notes

To update to the latest Composer packages (as constrained by the cms/composer.json semvers) and latest npm packages (as constrained by the buildchain/package.json semvers), do:

make update

To start from scratch by removing buildchain/node_modules/ & cms/vendor/, then update to the latest Composer packages (as constrained by the cms/composer.json semvers) and latest npm packages (as constrained by the buildchain/package.json semvers), do:

make update-clean

To use Xdebug with VSCode install the PHP Debug extension and use the following configuration:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Listen for Xdebug",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "port": 9003,
            "log": true,
            "externalConsole": false,
            "pathMappings": {
                "/var/www/project/cms": "${workspaceRoot}/cms"
            "ignore": ["**/vendor/**/*.php"]

Deployment is used for atomic deployments where the Vite build and composer install are done in Docker containers. Then the results are then deployed to the Forge-provisioned VPS vis rsync.

Forge Daemon Queue Runner:

/usr/bin/nice -n 10 /usr/bin/php /home/forge/ queue/listen --verbose

Techniques and Technologies

The project is based on Craft CMS using a unique templates/_boilerplate system for web/AJAX/AMP pages, and implements a number of technologies/techniques:

...and probably a bunch of other stuff too.

The following Craft CMS plugins are used on this site:

  • Disqus - for the Disqus comment handling, async loaded
  • FastCGI Cache Bust - to bust the FastCGI cache whenever entries are modified
  • iCalendar - for parsing the ICS calendar feed from Trello
  • ImageOptimize - for the optimized images and srcsets used on the site
  • Minify - to minify the HTML and inline JS/CSS
  • Retour - for setting up 404 redirects
  • SEOmatic - for handling site-side SEO
  • Transcoder - for transcoding the uploaded podcast audio into a format that's optimized for size & quality
  • Vite - for loading Vite-generated manifest.json resources in a modern way
  • Typogrify - for smart quotes and other typographic ligatures
  • Webperf - for monitoring web performance

You can read more about it in the Setting up a New Craft 3 CMS Project article.

About Craft CMS

Craft is a content-first CMS that aims to make life enjoyable for developers and content managers alike. It is optimized for bespoke web and application development, offering developers a clean slate to build out exactly what they want, rather than wrestling with a theme.

Learn more about Craft at


  • Update to Vue.js ^3.0.0