This project is developed as part of the 100xdevs community to enhance our development skills. The goal of this project is to implement a simplified version of Paytm, a popular digital payment and financial services company.
- User Authentication: Sign up: Create a new account using the sign-up form. Log in: Access your account using your credentials.
- Wallet Management: Add money to the wallet and check balance.
- Money Transfer: Search for other users and send them money.
- Frontend: React Js
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Signup: /signup The signup page for new users to create an account. Includes form validation and user data submission.
- Login: /login The login page for users to enter their credentials. Redirects authenticated users to their dashboard.
- Dashboard: /dashboard The main page after user login. Displays an overview of the user's account, recent transactions, and other important information. Transactions: /sendmoney A detailed view of the user's transaction history. Includes options to filter and search through past transactions.
100xdevs Community: For providing the platform and resources. Mentor: Harkirat Singh, for guidance and support.