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GbaCretin edited this page Mar 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

MZS NeoGeo Audio Driver Wiki

Mezz'Estate Neogeo Audio Driver (MZS Neogeo Audio Driver for short) is an audio driver for the Neogeo MVS that supports music and sample playback on ADPCM-A, FM and SSG channels.

The driver uses the MLM format to store the music's score data. While MLM stands for Mezz'estate Language for Music, is it not actually a language (although it was meant to be a compiled one), but a music score format.

This wiki aims to document the driver's usage, its internal workings and the MLM format.


The z80 code is based on an empty driver made by freem.

Build Dependencies

Install all of these, they need to be all in $PATH.

mame, romwak, freem's ADPCMA sample encoder, vasm, make, ngdevkit's gcc toolchain, python (3.7 or newer), vasm