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Ivan Josa Llovera edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 11 revisions


By text

To perform a text search, the user must write some value on the text field and press the magnifying glass button

By Voice

In order to perform a voice search, the user must firstly click the microphone button and then, say the place that want to search. When the system recognizes the place, it will appear on the search field and then it will move the Liquid Galaxy view to it.

Filter by Category

On the upper left corner of the search screen, there is the category filtering box. By clicking any of the category titles shown, the pois list on the main screen is going to be filtered by the clicked category. The click on the home icon will return to the root category for the selected planet as well as a click on the arrow will go back to the parent category of the currently selected.

View Poi

By clicking the name or the location icon of any item of the list, Liquid Galaxy will navigate to the location represented by the POI.

Rotate Poi

After a few seconds that allow the camera to move to the POI, the circular arrows icons will turn black. This means that the rotation over this POI has been enabled and if the user clicks on it, the camera will begin to move around the location in a circular way.

Change Rotation Speed

Once the rotation is being played, a dialog allows the user to change the rotation speed by incrementing it by 2 or by 4, or decrease it by two or by 4. When the user clicks the cancel button, the tour stops.

Change Planet

Finally, by clicking any of the globes that represents the Earth, the Moon and Mars, Liguig galaxy will change the displayed planet and its corresponding categories and POIS.

1.- User Flow

2.- Contextual Menu

3.- Admin Flow

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