Ogame Retro Uni1 scripts in python
Ogame/engine.py functions
- autologin
- enemy flight attack check
- activity* sets for planets
- send attacks (+ probe farming)
- send transports
- crawl statistics page
- crawl galaxy view
- store data in SQL
- extract data in HTTP webserver
- email notifications (enemy flight attack, spying, errors etc.)
Statistics page scan. You need to edit Ogame/ogame-statistics.py:13 (login, password)
$ cd Ogame
$ python ogame-statistics.py
Galaxy page scan. You need to edit Ogame/ogame-galaxy.py:13 (login, password)
$ cd Ogame
$ python ogame-galaxy.py
Full bot. You need to edit Ogame/ogame.py:16 (login, password)
- enemy flight attack email notifications
- send farmings
- send transports from colonies to base
$ cd Ogame
$ python ogame.py
ORETRO requires Node.js v4+ to run (tested on v4.2.1)
$ cd www
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ node www/server.js