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hereR 1.0.0

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@munterfi munterfi released this 19 Sep 05:39
· 14 commits to master since this release

Please note that there are breaking changes introduced in this major version release for the weather(), flow(), and incidents() functions. Be sure to review the updated documentation to understand how these changes may affect your usage.

  • Upgrade HERE Traffic API to v7 for flow() and incident() requests (closes #158)
  • Upgrade HERE Destination Weather API to v3 for weather().
  • Update description to create a new API key to the HERE Platform (closes #157).
  • In addition to sf, data.frames, the input for points and areas of interest now also allows for sfc geometry columns.
  • Change the example data set of the package for the area of interest aoi from the country border of Switzerland to the districts of Zurich. This change was necessary because the flow() and incident() requests have a maximum allowed width and height of 1 degree for the bounding box of the input AOIs.
  • Replace GitHub actions with current versions from r-lib/actions.
  • Bugfix: Fix decoding of polylines with NA value in intermodal_route().
  • Bugfix: NAs introduced by coercion, do not convert snowFall column to numeric in weather observation request.
  • Bugfix: Remove defunct.R and deprecated.R to avoid NOTE (closes #162).