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hereR 0.8.2

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@munterfi munterfi released this 20 Nov 12:55
· 66 commits to master since this release
  • Setting the arrival time is now supported by the Routing API, therefore route(..., arrival = TRUE) works.
  • Since sapply is not type safe, replace its use with vapply(..., FUN.VALUE = type).
  • Add endpoint URL (without parameters) of failing requests to the warning message and print error message of the response.
  • RPS limit for weather and traffic endpoints.
  • Changed workflow from git flow to trunc-based development. Removed develop branch. New features are merged directly into master and releases are tagged after CRAN has accepted the package submission, which triggers the documentation build.
  • Bugfix: Fix time / traffic independent requests in isoline(..., traffic=FALSE) (closes #147).
  • Bugfix: Explicitly cast linestring in function .connection_summary to avoid error in CPL_geos_union (@panhypersebastos).