The purpose of these examples is to help demonstrates various transfer and timing techniques.
- Manual cudaMemcpy
- Manual cudaMemcpyAsync
- Unified memory
- Unified memory with cudaMemPrefetchAsync
- Chrono
- CUDA events
- NVTX markers
Each test does the follow:
- Transfers two chunks of data to the GPU.
- Run simple kernel on each chunk (mutually exclusive)
- Transfer both chunks back to CPU.
- Verify results
Throughput based on entire workflow.
Default transfer size is 1GB.
Running with = 1073741824 B (1.07 GB)
Chrono: 194.463501 ms @ 5.521560 GB/s
Events: 195.145355 ms @ 5.502267 GB/s
or add number of values to transfer
./cudaMemcpyAsync 1000000000
Running with = 4000000000 B (4.00 GB)
Chrono: 725.302307 ms @ 5.514942 GB/s
Events: 726.420593 ms @ 5.506452 GB/s
We must use Nsight Systems to see NVTX.
Open *.qdrep
file with Nsight Systems GUI.
nsys profile -s none -t cuda,nvtx --stats=true ./cudaMemcpyAsync
WARNING: Backtraces will not be collected because sampling is disabled.
Collecting data...
Running with = 1073741824 B (1.07 GB)
Chrono: 195.130112 ms @ 5.502697 GB/s
Events: 195.151413 ms @ 5.502096 GB/s
Processing events...
Capturing symbol files...
Saving temporary "/tmp/nsys-report-8b68-3d6e-a890-0843.qdstrm" file to disk...
Creating final output files...
Processing [==============================================================100%]
Saved report file to "/tmp/nsys-report-8b68-3d6e-a890-0843.qdrep"
Exporting 1532 events: [==================================================100%]
Exported successfully to
CUDA API Statistics:
Time(%) Total Time (ns) Num Calls Average Minimum Maximum Name
------- --------------- --------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------
92.8 7,935,281,846 30 264,509,394.9 162,979,208 367,487,697 cudaStreamSynchronize
3.8 328,299,372 2 164,149,686.0 164,072,205 164,227,167 cudaHostAlloc
1.9 158,486,349 2 79,243,174.5 79,163,730 79,322,619 cudaFreeHost
1.5 130,534,008 2 65,267,004.0 701,703 129,832,305 cudaMalloc
0.0 1,454,937 2 727,468.5 691,604 763,333 cudaFree
0.0 401,077 60 6,684.6 2,374 26,921 cudaMemcpyAsync
0.0 373,116 30 12,437.2 4,637 31,135 cudaLaunchKernel
0.0 83,993 10 8,399.3 5,491 10,170 cudaEventRecord
0.0 18,491 5 3,698.2 3,500 3,931 cudaEventSynchronize
0.0 7,857 2 3,928.5 873 6,984 cudaStreamCreate
0.0 7,470 2 3,735.0 1,390 6,080 cudaStreamDestroy
0.0 5,474 2 2,737.0 397 5,077 cudaEventCreateWithFlags
0.0 2,602 2 1,301.0 417 2,185 cudaEventDestroy
CUDA Kernel Statistics:
Time(%) Total Time (ns) Instances Average Minimum Maximum Name
------- --------------- --------- ----------- --------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
50.4 67,362,653 15 4,490,843.5 4,469,005 4,518,252 void VectorOperation<Add<float>, float>(int, float, float*, Add<float>)
49.6 66,399,104 15 4,426,606.9 4,391,821 4,462,860 void VectorOperation<Sub<float>, float>(int, float, float*, Sub<float>)
CUDA Memory Operation Statistics (by time):
Time(%) Total Time (ns) Operations Average Minimum Maximum Operation
------- --------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ------------------
50.8 5,314,309,114 30 177,143,637.1 162,980,699 191,320,991 [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
49.2 5,142,402,501 30 171,413,416.7 168,996,768 173,680,811 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
CUDA Memory Operation Statistics (by size in KiB):
Total Operations Average Minimum Maximum Operation
-------------- ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------------
31,457,280.000 30 1,048,576.000 1,048,576.000 1,048,576.000 [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
31,457,280.000 30 1,048,576.000 1,048,576.000 1,048,576.000 [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
NVTX Push-Pop Range Statistics:
Time(%) Total Time (ns) Instances Average Minimum Maximum Range
------- --------------- --------- ------------- ----------- ----------- ------------
67.6 3,889,587,729 5 777,917,545.8 777,031,465 778,565,183 Process_Loop
21.7 1,247,130,464 5 249,426,092.8 247,611,878 250,019,880 Verify
10.7 616,467,941 5 123,293,588.2 120,541,180 132,044,582 Reset
0.0 101,082 5 20,216.4 16,613 22,645 H2D_A
0.0 93,874 5 18,774.8 18,020 21,060 Kernel_A
0.0 29,242 5 5,848.4 5,317 6,468 Kernel_B
0.0 23,568 5 4,713.6 4,374 4,970 D2H_A
0.0 18,801 5 3,760.2 3,283 4,147 H2D_B
0.0 14,849 5 2,969.8 2,680 3,182 D2H_B
Report file moved to "/home/belt/workStuff/git_examples/transfer_examples/report4.qdrep"
Report file moved to "/home/belt/workStuff/git_examples/transfer_examples/report4.sqlite"