What's Changed from v1.4.0 to v2.0.2
Many improvements were made including performance optimizations and bug fixes.
A great Performance Benchmark between different compression algorithms added.
Two new compressors added: EasyCompressor.Snappier and EasyCompressor.ZstdSharp
Shared instances added to each compressor for Ease-of-Use
EasyCompressor.Zstd bug fixed and the latest version of zstd.dll (v1.5.5) was included in the package.
These packages deprecated: EasyCompressor.Zstd, EasyCompressor.Snappy and EasyCompressor.BrotliNET because their development has been stopped and newer and better packages have replaced them.
The default compression levels have changed and are carefully configured based on extensive benchmarking to ensure the highest level of efficiency and speed at a reasonable compression ratio.
Three new LZ4 binary compression modes added:
LZ4BinaryCompressionMode.Optimal (new Default mode)
Default compression mode. (NOT compatible with other modes neither LegacyCompatible nor StreamCompatible modes)
But it's fast and most efficient in memory allocation. (Best Performance overall - Fast_GCEfficient)
It applies only to binary Compress/Decompress and does not affect Stream/Stream[Async] methods. -
LZ4BinaryCompressionMode.LegacyCompatible (legacy Default mode)
Legacy compatibility with old/legacy versions. (NOT compatible with other modes neither StreamCompatible nor Optimal modes)
It's the fastest mode (a bit faster than Optimal) but less efficient in memory allocation. (Fast_GCInefficient)
It prepends 4 bytes to the beginning of the array to define the original array length.
It applies only to binary Compress/Decompress and does not affect Stream/Stream[Async] methods. -
StreamCompatible which is compatible with Stream's output. (NOT compatible with other modes neither LegacyCompatible nor Optimal modes)
It's slower than other modes but moderate in memory allocation. (Slow_GCModerated)
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...2.0.2