PyFractal is a tool to create every kinds of fractal image, writen in Python. It is also a framework. New fractal algorithms can be 'pluged in' as seperate modules.
Now the algorithms listed below have been implemented in PyFractal:
- Mandelbrot
- Julia
- Syntax
- DLA (testing)
PyFractal has only one window, shown below. Left half is drawing area; right half is parameters area.
By pulling down "Sellect a template" menu, you will see different fractal algorithm, corresponding parameter panel will be shown. Kinds of default parameter combinations have been defined. Of course you can modify any of them to generate your own image.
Mandelbrot algorithm
Mandelbrot image is the most famous fractal. It was named after the "Father Of Fractal".
Mandelbrot fractal hasn't any parameter. But the function of "fractal microscope" make it endless and fantastic.
In PyFractal, you can select any part of Mandelbrot image by dragging a triangle to zoom in.
For example,
then you got
The zooming-in can be done again and agin, not any limit.
Here I show a serious of zooming-in I did randomly. Sometimes the selected area is big (magnification ratio is small), while it's small (Magnification ratio is big) in other times.
Finally I come to the image below, it's hard to imagine the whole Mandelbrot picture standing here.
However Mandelbrot doesn't end, you can go on zooming-in...
Julia algorithm (6 demos)
'Julia Set' is another colorful fractal algorithm. The calculation of complex plane is applied.
IFS algorithm (10 demos)
The image above has another name - C curve. Here I illustrate the progress of generating C curve by IFS algorithm.