An invincible Tic Tac Toe single player on Arduino Uno/Nano
- Ran code through the Arduino IDE auto formatter.
- Added drawing grid number layout ( void drawNumberedBoard() )
- Added invalid player type detection (O / X). Program will randomly choose X / O if player enters an invalid selection
- Added "thinking..." message if the player enters a valid number
- Added an error message if the player enters an invalid grid number
- Changed "move >= 9" to "move > 8" and changed variable type of 'move' and 'player' from int to byte.
Reminder to self: may also change ((move > 8 || move < 0) || board[move] != 0) to (move > 8 || move < 0 || board[move] != 0) since the additional brackets are unnecessary.
- Added code to say if you are O or X
- Remapped tic-tac-toe grid to match a keyboard's keypad layout:
0 | 1 | 2 7 | 8 | 9
---+---+--- ---+---+---
3 | 4 | 5 --> 4 | 5 | 6
---+---+--- ---+---+---
6 | 7 | 8 1 | 2 | 3
- Updated drawNumberedBoard() to match grid number changes
- Added physical button support on pins 4-12
- Added more data validation for moves received via the serial port
- Fixed selecting random player type ( O / X ) if the player enters an invalid number. In the previous version the Arduino would always pick 'X' (So the player would always go first)
- Fixed bug with 'Thinking...' message
- Renamed TicTacToe.ino to ArduinoTicTacToe.ino
- Fixed bug with 'Would you like to play as X / O' message. Replaced with 'Would you like to play 1st or second' (Player will always play as 'X')
- Added #define BAUD_RATE. Modify BAUD_RATE to change the UART serial baud rate. Default value is 9600
- Added "Type anything or press any button to continue" message after every game
- Moved drawNumberedBoard(); inside setup() since the grid layout is now more intuative for keyboard users. This means the grid layout won't be printed at the start of every game
- Added message to say how long the Arduino was thinking for in milliseconds
- Added message which says 'You played X in position [Grid position]'
- Fix bug where no error message is sent if player enters numbers larger than 9 as their position on the grid. Error message is sent if number = 0 or previously used grid space
- Add option to see the grid layout again at end of round (type '5' or press the middle button)