Python implementation of 1-Wire protocol.
Originally written to replace digitemp utility in my pet project and get direct access to 1-wire devices. It was created for reading DS1820 temperature sensor connected to RS232 serial port through DS9097 adapter.
- Using an UART to Implement a 1-Wire Bus Master
- Book of iButton® Standards (PDF)
- DS18S20 High-Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer (PDF)
- DS9097 - COM port adapter which performs RS-232C level conversion.
- Custom 1-wire serial port interface (see below).
- DS1820 / DS18S20 / DS1920 - High-Precision Temperature Sensor.
- DS18B20 - Programmable Resolution Temperature Sensor.
- DS1822 - Econo Temperature Sensor.
Find ROM codes for all connected devices:
from digitemp.master import UART_Adapter print(UART_Adapter('/dev/ttyS0').get_connected_ROMs()) # ['108739A80208006F', '10A75CA80208001A', '2825EA52050000CE']
Get temperature when there is only one 1-wire device on the bus:
from digitemp.master import UART_Adapter from digitemp.device import TemperatureSensor sensor = TemperatureSensor(UART_Adapter('/dev/ttyS0')) print(sensor.get_temperature())
Get temperature from specific sensor:
from digitemp.master import UART_Adapter from digitemp.device import TemperatureSensor bus = UART_Adapter('/dev/ttyS0') sensor = TemperatureSensor(bus, rom='108739A80208006F') print(sensor.get_temperature())
You can directly instantiate a device class to use its features (e.g.: setting resolution):
from digitemp.device import DS18S20 sensor = DS18S20(bus, precise=False)
from digitemp.device import DS18B20 sensor = DS18B20(bus) sensor.set_resolution(DS18B20.RES_10_BIT)
digitemp.device module provides following device classes:
- DS18S20 - for DS1820, DS18S20 and DS1920 High-Precision Temperature Sensors (family code: 0x10);
- DS18B20 - for DS18B20 Programmable Resolution Temperature Sensors (family code: 0x28);
- DS1822 - for DS1822 Econo Temperature Sensor (family code: 0x22)
- DS1820, DS1920 - are aliases for DS18S20
See more examples in examples directory.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All circuits presented here are collected from different sources on the Internet and thus are provided on an entirely "as-is and no guarantees" basis. We do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.
See Serial Port Temperature Sensors - Hardware Interface for details.
These are tested:
Not all schematics work in all cases, depending on adapter and cable length.
These are not tested yet:
- Slavko for SVG schematics and testing.
Python license. In short, you can use this product in commercial and non-commercial applications, modify it, redistribute it. A notification to the author when you use and/or modify it is welcome.
See the LICENSE file for the actual text of the license.