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Simple webpage with weather information.

Try it!

Go to: and that's it!

or you can install it on your own server, customize it, or run it locally on your Kindle.

Please, if you use this website, generate your free OWM token (see: for more info), because the default token can be blocked and changed at any time and the weather forecast can stop working.


  • current weather and temperature
  • forecast for the next 12 hours, in landscape mode for 15 hours
  • sunrise and sunset
  • Moon phase


  • portrait and landscape mode
  • landscape mode on Paperwhite!! see configuration
  • configurable place, units, language
  • automatic night mode
  • tested on Kindle 3/4/5, Paperwhite 3, iPad Air, it may also work on other Kindles and devices,

Weather and forecast source:

Icons source:

Dashboard on real devices

How to run directly on the Kindle (tested on Kindle PW 3)

  1. clone or download repository
  2. generate your free API key (AppId) at
  3. rename config.js.sample to config.js and set the parameters you need (all parameters are optional and can be set in the HTML webpage config.html, but I recommend setting at least the api_appId)
  4. copy the folder with all files to the root of Kindle storage
  5. disable the screensaver on your Kindle:
  • press the search button (or keyboard button on Kindle 4) on homescreen and type: ;debugOn and press enter on the keyboard
  • press the search button (or keyboard button on Kindle 4) again and type: ~disableScreensaver and press enter on the keyboard. (On Kindle Paperwhite, type: ~ds - with new firmware this may not be possible, but see these instructions for a solution)
  1. launch the browser on your Kindle and go to: file:///mnt/us/kindle-weather-dashboard/index.html (where kindle-weather-dashboard is the folder in the root of your Kindle storage from step 4)


with config.js

create a config.js file from config.js.sample and set variables:

  • api_locParams - query parameters to set location (e.g. lat=50&lon=14, or q=Paris)
  • api_appId - set your API KEY (appId) from
  • api_lang - output language (e.g. en)
  • api_units - units (e.g. metric, imperial)
  • or you can set all parameters with the api_params variable (e.g. q=Prague&appid=YOUR_API_KEY&lang=sk&units=metric)
  • rotation - set rotation (on Kindle Paperwhite) ll for left landscape, lr for right landscape, and up for upside down
  • night_mode - auto - based on sunrise and sunset, on - always on, HH-HH (22-06) interval for on/off, off or null to disable
  • refreshTime - refresh rate in milliseconds (default is 30 minutes)
  • utcOffset - if not set, it is determined by location, local - local machine UTC offset, or custom UTC offset. (Because Kindle doesn't report the correct local time. You may need to change the value after the winter/summer time change)
  • tempType - use feelsLike to show feels-like temperatures

See more: and

with url query parameters

  • appId sets the appId
  • city sets the city (e.g. city=Paris)
  • lat, lon set location (e.g. lat=50&lon=14)
  • lang and units for language and units :)
  • rotation sets the rotation :)
  • utcOffset sets UTC offset
  • tempType sets temperature type (actual or feels like)


  • Dashboard for Prague, metric units, Slovak language: http://YOUR_URL/?city=Prague&lang=sk&units=metric&appId=YOUR_API_KEY
  • Dashboard for a given GPS location, metric units, default language: https://YOUR_URL/?lat=50&lon=14&units=metric&appId=YOUR_API_KEY


Kindle 4

Kindle 4 screenshot

Kindle Paperwhite 3

Kindle Paperwhite 3 screenshot

Real devices

Dashboard on real devices


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