This project has as its main objective to be a template for FastAPI with Cloudant DB. After that, upload to IBM Cloud.
This section should list any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap your project. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- Create a .env file to run the cloudant-rest-db branch
- Create a vcap-local.json file to run the deploy-to-ibm-cloud branch
"services": {
"cloudantNoSQLDB": [
"credentials": {
"label": "cloudantNoSQLDB"
- Install Python3, pip3
Once with all prerequisites done, you need install the dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the server with:
uvicorn main:app --reload
Now go to to verify all the routes.
Matheus Bitencourt - @matbiit
Project Link: